"Just come downstairs for a while." Anthony urged.

"Please, don't make me." she said, softly. Anthony walked over to her and sat on her side of the bed. He caressed her knee. Ever since she had been home she hadn't been the same. The house appeared as if nothing ever happened. There was no stain in the floor but there was one on Rayna's soul. Anthony could see it all in her face, the way she talked, the way she carried herself. He was lucky she at least felt safe to be at home, but there was 10,000 other pieces that needed to be picked up.

"Just for a little while, hon. I promise after that I'll let you sleep." he said.

"Fine, but after this she has to leave." she said getting out the bed.

Anthony escorted her downstairs. Rayna winced at the slight pain she got from walking. Tyra was waiting in the front living room for her. When Rayna came around the corner, Tyra jumped to meet her.

"Oh, my baby!" she said cupping her face.

"Hey, mom." Rayna groaned. Tyra hugged her softly. Rayna grimaced and gave Anthony a side look as she wrapped her arms around Tyra.

Tyra pulled away and took hold of her arm, walking her to couch. "When Anthony called, your dad and Tellis insisted on coming down here. I said I'd come instead. I figured the last thing you need is your brother and dad smothering you." she said.

"Rather them than you." Rayna groaned.

That and I have business down here anyway." Tyra said ignoring her comment.

"Yours or mine?" Rayna asked easing herself into the couch.

"Both." Tyra said poking at Rayna's nerves.

Rayna groaned. Anthony could feel the tension coming off the both of them. He knew Rayna didn't like her mother as company but he just couldn't turn the woman away. He needed help bringing her out of her funk.

Family usually helped but Tyra wasn't the best choice. However, any family was better than no family. Anthony understood Rayna's feelings but he wished they would come to a happy medium. However, he would never force anything on Rayna that would make her uncomfortable. Especially, in her latest condition.

"So how long are you staying?" Rayna asked.

"A little less than week. More if you need me" Tyra said.

"Oh, Ms. Tyra I think we have everything under control here." Anthony said.

"Well, I don't mean to impose" she said. Rayna rolled her eyes. "Just to visit. I mean you do live so far away. It wouldn't hurt to be with you for a few days"

"You're staying in a hotel right?" Rayna said.

"Yes. I figured it'd be rude to just drop in and expect for you guys to open up a room for me." Tyra said.

"Yes, it would be very rude." Rayna said.

Tyra sighed. "Can I see it?"

"See what?" Anthony asked.

"The wound" Tyra said.

"Absolutely not!" Rayna said.

"Ms. Tyra, I don't think that's a good idea" Anthony said.

"You my child. I can look at you." Tyra said.

"No, no. Hell no." Rayna said.

"Um, language baby" Anthony said.

"Just lift up your shirt and let me see. Why you got this thing on anyway? You not hot?" Tyra said. Rayna didn't want to be exposed. Last thing she needed was for people to look at her. "Come on. 5 seconds and I'll leave you alone" Tyra said.

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