"Now I will ask you one time and you better answer me Hera if that is even your real name" his voice was dangerous and that made me think that maybe this was a bad idea. "Who sent you?" he asked still looking me in the eyes, what does he mean by who sent me? Who sent me where?

"I don't...understan-" he cut me off before I could finish as his fist collided with the armrest of the sofa and I flinched at the sudden violent action
His voice was low but definitely not calm when he asked "You are a spy right? Sent to destroy my family, to get money from me by telling a fake sad story huh?"

WHAT? "How dare you think such low of me?" I asked him with as much anger as I him .

And this is why I did not let people into my life because I knew nobody would believe my so called fake sad story but I don't know what came over me, when it comes to Rome it's like I don't even have a brain I just trust him blindly. He continued "The all not knowing who I really am facade was just so that I could trust you right? You little..." He sighed and rubbed his hands down his face rather angrily but I was more angrier now, he was about to insult me.

"You know what Romeus Bartley I don't give a damn about what you think of me, you are just like her. I regret ever trusting you, It was stupid of me to think that you were different you Bartley's are all the same and I don't know why I couldn't sense it from the beginning but it's better late than never. Now your highness I ask you to kindly and humbly get the FUCK OUT! of my house right fucking now"I said and pointed to the door just then Nattie and Nikolai re-entered the sitting room looking perplexed.

"Uhm what's going on?" Nattie was the first to ask

"Nothing we're leaving. Let's go" Rome replied not moving his glare from from me he took two steps back still looking into my eyes as if looking for something he lost but it looks like he didn't find it so he turned to leave.

"I'm staying with Hera" Nattie said abruptly and she looked at me as a way to ask it that's okay so I tried to smile in agreement.

Rome just looked between us and continued his journey to get the 'fuck out' . Nikolai kissed Nattie briefly and nodded in my direction before following after him.

Three hours and 7 tubs of ice - cream later, Nattie decided to go home after I convinced her I was really fine but was I really?

I decided to take a shower - not that I needed it.
Why can't I just live a normal life maybe I killed puppies for a living in my past life and that is why my current life is so cursed.

It was way past midnight but I still could not sleep a wink ,all the memories I had of my parents kept replaying in my head and I couldn't help feeling like I disappointed them somehow, my mother wanted me to forget the past and live a new life . A life she wished she could have had ,but here I am doing exactly what she stood against. One tear fell and I couldn't keep it together anymore so I let go.

A gentle hand rested on my head and I jumped away on reflex ready to strike, it took a while for my teary eyes to focus on who stood in front of me but after a few seconds I saw the pained eyes of the old man and only then I let my muscles relax. I sat back on the sofa with a sigh and the old man sat next to me.

We sat in comfortable silence for about 10 minutes .
"Thank you " my grandfather said with a rough voice .I wanted so bad to tell him I was not doing him a favor but I remembered my mom's words

all I ask of you is that you always keep an open mind and always be kind, never judge a person based on one perspective of the story,

So I decided not to say anything, at least not yet. So he continued.

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