Start from the beginning

"Know your name? Oh, poor thing, you've got no idea what you got yourself into, uh? Y'all are too funny with your speculations about drug cartels and shit. If only you would've thought about it a little bit more instead of trusting the cute florist, uh?"


"Shut up and get on the ground, now!"

As I do what I am told, the door opens and , although I was now facing the ground, I'd recognise those classy boots anywhere: Jenni Hermoso. 

Soon enough, I am grabbed by both my arms and put in a seated position on one of Christen's kitchen chairs. It indeed is Jenni Hermoso, followed by army girl Ona Batlle and their right hand and visibly high-quality spy Aitana Bonmati. 

The Spanish leader grabs herself a chair and sits in front of me, amused.

"So, Jill Jamie Roord, did you honestly believe I bought into your little scam?"

"Honestly? Yeah" I admit, nodding.

They all let a small laughter out, but Jenni, who exchange a long look with Christen, before waving at her and saying:

"It was so easy to make you fall for my gorgeous cousin - I know how gay work, 'cause I am one: lesbians are the worst undercover agents of all 'cause they end up sleeping with the enemy if she has a 20% gay vibe. Anyway, how's that fake girlfriend of yours?"

"She doesn't know, let her out of this plea-" I start, hopeful. 

"Lia Joëlle Wälti, top of her masters class last year and associate to notorious chemistry genius Pernille Harder before she committed murder and suicide ; we haven't heard much ever since, until Ona used her connections to find out that she was Section 17's new tech genius. By the way (she turns toward Aitana, before continuing:) it would be great if, once we're done with them, we could just not kill the Wälti girl and make her work for us, 'cause she's pretty great - plus she's hot."

"Sure, boss."

"What was it again about lesbians sleeping with the enemy?" I ask, provocative.

Jenni turns toward me, bursting into laughter. She doesn't wait long to give me a big slap in the face, as my neck cracks a bit from the violence of it.

She keeps on laughing, before adding:

"Oh, honey, I hope you're not secretly in love with your fake girlfriend, otherwise that would be tragic, even for a lesbian." 

"Boss" Ona lets out, visibly fed up with the little games, "the secret room is ready for them. There's just something you must know: that private investigator is onto us again - she arrested one of the gals again."

Jenni seems highly annoyed all of a sudden, as she turns toward the army girl and says:

"Neutralize her. And you (she turns toward Aitana now), take care of Wälti - but I want her alive. Christen (she finally turns toward her cousin, smirking) if this one causes you trouble, you're allowed to shoot her."

"Got it." Christen just answers. 

"Warn the others to bring Roflö in during the next hour, and then we'll move this bitch (she obviously points at me) there too. Just make sure nobody in MI6 gets alarmed about their disappearance."

THE VELVET KILLERS IIWhere stories live. Discover now