He choked on a sob. "No my son you did nothing wrong."he held my head again carefully giving me the potion. Smiling at me through his tears. "Good job baby. Would you like to go to bed now son?" He asked gently laying my head back.

"N-no. W-wan n-num-my." I tried to grab daddy again this time managing to grab his sleeve. Daddy understood smiling at me then turning to some one else helping to hold my hand in place.

"Is it safe to carry him Severus. He wants to be held." I could see him using one hand to wipe his face of tears. The pain was less now but I could tell I was still shaking horribly.

"Yes but avoid jostling him about for a few days bed rest is recommended but if he is carried gently then I see no reason he must stay in bed." Auntie answered softly.

"Wait! We need to make sure his spine has support first." Mommy said urgently as daddy turned back to me. I heard her mutter accio brace. Then muttering some transfiguration incantations. Before they shifted me to and fro. Something was then being tightened on my torso. "Okay that should do."

I was not calm I was still scared and whimpering a little from the pain and fear. Then daddy carefully lifted me up. "Where should we go for Nummies Harry? Dinning room with Draco, daddy's office, or your rooms?" He asked with fake cheer.

"D-dr-dra" I was not coping well. Falling to baby speech and stuttering on top of it. I frowned mad that it took so much effort. I felt trapped in my head. He nodded to me.

He turned to the scary lady that hurt me. "I told you not to harm anyone here by any means. Then you turn around and hurt my son. You are to stay in your room until further notice. Yaxley see to it she gets there and have Crashers lock her in. Then I'd like for everyone to join us for breakfast." Then he turned towards the stairs moving slowly.

Mommy was next to him and spelling his face and my face clean as soon as we reached the bottom of the stairs. I gave her a weak smile when she looked me over. Causing her to smile back sadly. "No studies till your all better." She told me as we entered the dinning room. I saw Draco holding on to Pansy and Blaise holding them both. When I met Blaise's gaze his face became one of concern. "Did you hear me mister?" Mommy cut into my examining the room. I looked at her confused. "You weren't paying attention were you?" I shook my head slightly but instantly stop as pain blossomed behind my eyes.

Once daddy sat with me on his lap he called for Crashers. "She is sealed in master. I gave her bread and water for breakfast. Anything I can do for sir anything at all master." His eyes were huge and pleading.

"He'll need soft food for today. And I'll need you to assist Severus later making the crucio potion and salve." He gave the list clearly forcing himself calm. He looked at me to see if I wanted anything. I gave a small nod careful not to move my head to much.

"G-gre....m-me-mel..." I scowled at my inability to speak. Then sent a pout towards Crashers. Who gave me a knowing smile and a nod. He quickly popped away to see to my breakfast.

A few minutes later the doors opened again. In came a bunch of people I didn't know. I turned my head carefully into daddy's neck trying to hide. What if they hurt me to like the mean lady. I felt daddy's thumb rub circles on my arm. I knew he wanted me to be strong but I couldn't I was scared of these new people. I heard two different foot falls approaching. "My Lord" they said at the same time I could here that ones voice was slightly deeper then the other. "I apologize my Lord for the grievous actions of my wife. When she is released I shall personally see to it it doesn't happen again My Lord." The one with the slightly higher voice spoke.

Daddy hummed "we are here for breakfast. Sit." He barked i whimpered. Then daddy wrapped his other arm around me rubbing my arms as though I was cold. I heard chairs scraping and people rushing to do as told. When all the noise finally stopped daddy cleared his throat. " I'd like you all to meet my son. He may not be mine by birth but he is my son. And will be treated as such." He touched my chin gently letting me know he wanted me to look out at them. I carefully looked around the table eyes pausing on two nearly identical faces. Before continuing . As soon as I had looked at them all I hid my face back in daddy's neck. Unwilling to watch anything else happening.

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