Chapter 8

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Dimitri walked through the door with a fresh new haircut and he was wearing a candidate uniform.

We were all gobsmacked.

"Dimitri, you..." I was speechless.

"You joined the Military?" Ava muttered.

"I know it's sudden. But I made this decision on my own. I heard that you sign up, you can get full citizenship outside the Internment Zone. I knew we couldn't stay here forever so I wanted to assist in any way possible so we could have a bit more freedom." Dimitri explained.

"But Dimitri... You... You do understand what that means, don't you?" I asked, grabbing him by the shoulders.

"There's a war going on right now! If they wanted to, they could ship you out any time!" Ava mentioned.

"They won't just ship me off without proper training." Dimitri retorted.

"Yeah they will! They will use you as bait, they don't care what shape or form you're in!" Ava yelled.

"Do you understand how dangerous this is?!" I questioned, as my grip on his shoulders tightened.

"Yeah I do! Believe it or not, I thought about it!" Dimitri shouted.

"No... Please Dimitri..." I let go of his shoulders and turned away from him.

"I'm sorry that you're unhappy with this decision, but this is something I want to do. I won't disappoint you."

Ava let out a grunt and left the room.

Ava's P.O.V

I ended up skipping dinner and stayed in my room. (y/n) was still upset about Dimitri but I could tell she didn't want to show it.

The door opened and walked in Dimitri holding Lily. I glared at him for a moment and looked down at my lap again.

"What do you want?" I murmured.

Dimitri sat on the bed and handed Lily to me. Lily looked at me and smiled. I returned the smile to let her know that I was okay.

"Mom still isn't speaking to me." Dimitri said.

"Well can you blame her?"

"I only did it to help her."

"How exactly is this helping? You are putting yourself in danger for no reason." I snapped.

"You did too."

"I didn't have a choice! What I am... I didn't choose to become this. My brothers and I were forced into this against our will... We never wanted this... and now my brother is dead because of it and it's only a matter of time before I'm dead too." I cried, as tears poured from my eyes.

Dammit, I never wanted him to see me cry. How weak is that?

"What? Your brother?" Dimitri stared at me.

I wiped my eyes and nodded.

"He apparently lost control of his power and attacked the others... Before anyone could help him, those damn soldiers shot him without hesitation... And many more like us because we were born Eldian..." I sniffled.

Dimitri was quiet for a moment.

"And now you're allowing yourself to be sacrificed for nothing. Didn't (y/n) save you to give you a chance at a normal life? Why did you even come here in the first place? You were better off back home. There was no reason for you to come." I explained.

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