Chapter 7

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Another morning came along and I was getting ready for another day of work. I walked to the front door and put my jacket on and made sure my armband was on properly.

I don't even remember ever wearing this, it's definitely strange. It feels worse to be here than the underground.

"Hey, (y/n)." Spoke Ava's voice.

I turned to see she was also dressed for the outside.

"Hey Ava, what are you up to?" I wondered.

"It's about time I go back and see my family. It's been way too long and it's bad enough they believe me to still be dead." She explained, with a depressed expression.

"I understand. Will you be able to?" I asked.

"As long as the guards see my armband they'll let me in." She answered.

"When do you think is the right time for me to see them?"

"It won't be easy to sneak you in, but if you suggest you want to help with the experiments I'm sure they'll bring you on board. However, it's pretty private so not a lot of people are supposed to know about it. Just suggest that you can manage Warrior titans." Ava explained.

"Really? That's it? What if I just impress my superiors?"

"Yeah I'm sure it'll work. It's just... I know what will happen as soon as I go back, they'll start experimenting on me again." Ava looked down and her hands were shaking.

"What exactly will they do to you?"

"I don't want to explain it right now. You'll see for yourself when you can go."

I reached out and put my hand on her shoulder.

"I know things are scary right now, but we'll get through this. I'll get you all out of here." I showed her a smile, but I'm not sure if it made her feel better.

I opened the door and Ava had a shiver run through her body. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. She squeezed my hand back and we stepped outside.

"Let's go." I said.

Ava nodded and we headed off.

Dimitri's P.O.V

There she goes again. Ever since she got this new job, she's hardly been home. I know that it's really important for her and I forced her to drag me along but maybe I would have been better off home.

No, Lily needs me to be there for her, but at the same time, I can't just sit around here all day every day. What was the point in coming if I can't even help? Ava's going back to do her thing and that old guy is still working. The old lady doesn't do much around here at all. I don't want to leave Lily alone, but what if I could help out and be useful?

"Hey old man, is there something I can do to help mom?" I asked, looking towards (y/n)'s pops.

"Hm? Whatever do you mean? Help her with what exactly?" He asked.

"I know she doesn't want to live here forever; can she move somewhere else?" I asked.

"Well I'm sure soon enough she'll be able to afford to buy a small place. We've been here since her father was born so we haven't changed anything since. I'm not sure how you could help though." He scratched his head.

"Alright then, I'm going to step out and take Lily for a walk." I said, as I stood up from the table.

"Alright, but please remember to never take your armband off." He warned with fear in his voice.

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