Chapter 4

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There stood the brother I never thought I'd ever reunite with again. But he was also my enemy. He realised who I was; not his little sister, but the titan he fought a year ago.

"It's good to see you again, big brother." I greeted, with a soft smile.

"(y/n)...!" My grandfather wasted no time running over and wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm glad you're doing well, grandpa." I gently patted his back.

"It's a miracle that you have come back to us safe and well. This must truly be our redemption." Grandpa muttered under his breath.

I noticed Zeke was still staring at me. Grandpa took a step back and he allowed Zeke to step closer.

I think he was in too much shock to move.

"Brother." I said, calmly.

Zeke then rushed over and gave me a tight hug.

"My beautiful little sister... How are you alive?" I heard Zeke sob into my shoulder.

Perhaps he didn't realise who I was? But even so, I finally have my big brother back. I held back my tears since this was not the time to get emotional but I did return his embrace.

I never expected to be this happy to see him considering we tried to kill each other at Shiganshina. However, it's not like he was actually trying to kill me, just his enemy.

"It's a long story that I'd be happy to tell soon." I replied.

Zeke moved away but kept his hands on my shoulders. One hand moved to my cheek.

"You're so grown up. You look just like mom." Zeke pointed out.

"You think so? I always thought I resembled dad more." I snickered, playing with my hair.

The mention of Grisha caused Zeke to have a sour look for a moment.

"Anyway, we prepared dinner together so please sit down and eat." Nana spoke up.

We sat down and Grandpa was looking at each of the children.

"Who are these children?"

"My daughters Avalyn and Lilliana. And my son Dimitri. My husband is currently away as a soldier so it's just been us. I'm currently looking for work and Nana mentioned how you still owned the clinic." I explained.

"Ah yes I do. What profession do you have?"

"I'm a doctor and a scientist." I answered.

"Amazing. So it really has continued to run in the family. I can definitely speak to some people and make a position for you. Where would your children be in the meantime while you work?" Grandpa asked.

Good question. I don't want to just make Ava and Dimitri look after Lilliana.

"Well I-"

"I'm already a warrior!" Ava suddenly spouted.

I gasped and stared at her.

"You are? But how come you're not wearing one of their armbands?" Grandpa wondered.

"Because I'm currently off duty. I don't need to wear it." Ava replied.

"You're a member of the artificial titan program. I recognise you." Zeke suddenly spoke up.

Ava looked nervous and I felt my chest pounding.


"Well as long as you're with your mother there isn't a problem. But I'm curious. (y/n)'s what, twenty six now? Aren't you a little old to be her daughter?" Zeke questioned, crossing his arms.

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