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The backyardigans🥸

Theodore: I am so not ready
to go home yet :( I'm gonna miss you
Mione: Theo it will only be for two months
then we will all be able to hang out
Ronnie: Yeah!
Theodore: Well two months is still
too long!
Rainonme: Okay what if we all
schedule a trip together. We could
all go somewhere
Theodore: Yess! My exact
Nev: Sounds like fun!!
Seaupee: I am totally
Lav: Same here! I will
have to make sure I can go
though, my parents and I are
traveling alot this summer.
Pav: I won't be able to go😢
Rainonme: Wait- why not???
Pav: My sister and I are going
to vist our family this summer!
I will be awful!! My cousins are
complete asses!!
Rainonme: Been there.
Potty: Been there to.
Ronnie: Been there. With
my sibling though
Ginevra: I am telling
Fred and George you said that😃
Ronnie: Don't you dare
you little shit!

 Withmy sibling thoughGinevra: I am tellingFred and George you said that😃Ronnie: Don't you dareyou little shit!Ginevra:

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Rainonme: Look what you did Ronald!!
Ginevra: I am hiding
from you now.
Theodore: I love hide and
seek. Hang on let me join u!
Ginevra: Get over here Theo!!
I am behind the couch.
Ronnie: The point of hide
and go seek is to not tell the seeker
where you are!
Ginevra: You may know where I
am but the problem is catching me!
Rainonme: Wait I wanna play
now! Its getting intresting.
Mione: Didn't you break your
nose last time you played hide
and seek?
Rainonme: Technically It was
not hide and seek but life and death.
I got pranked for a week straight!!
Ronnie: We know, you wouldn't stop
Rainonme: My bad.
Ginevra: Guyss I just
had the best idea ever!!
We should play hide and seek!!!
Potty: I thought we were
already doing that?
Rainonme: Okay everyone meet
in the common room!

"Alright so since there are so many of us we are gonna have to do teams, one teams will be the seekers and the others will be hiders! Got it" Raina said as everyone was gatherd into the common room nodding their heads. "Okay so we can do boys vs girls, which didn't end well last year, or we can just number off. Also I was thinking the limt should be we aren't allowed in any common rooms and no leaveing the castle." Raina says "Seems fair." Seamus says. "Lets do girls vs boy! Theres 9 of us girls and 12 of you guys. So it seems more fair this time!" Lav says next to Seamus"Okay then everyone agree?" Raina ask as everyone nodded their heads. " Wait how do we decided the winners?" Cedric asked. "Well the seekers will keep seeking until they find everyone, if they do they win, now the hiders win if at least one person gose up to the teachers tabel by 6pm tonight!" Cho said as everyone nodded their heads in understanding. "Okay then...BOYS ARE SEEKERS!" Mione yelled as all the girls ran out of the room. "What!! What do we count to?!" Dean yelled as the girls left. "2 minutes!!" Raina yelled back. "Okay then, so that would be 120 secounds." Dean said "Better count fast cause we are giving them more time!" Oliver said as he started counting.
"120!!!" Oliver yelled as he and the rest of the guys ran out of the room. "I am coming for you Rayyyy!!" Harry said as he ran down the stairs and into the cafiteria. "Hmm no one here, okay." He said as he started to step out, "HA!, oh no one" He said as he looked behind the doors. "What are you doing Mr.Potter." Minnie spoke which made Harry jump and turn around. " Oh hey Professer Mcgonagall, I am looking for Raina? Have you seen here anywhere?" "Why yes I have Mr.Potter but she told me not to tell anyone where she was going, so sorry about that." Minnie spoke as she walked away. "Dang!"
"I FOUND SOMEONE GUYS!! I NEED BACK UP ASAP ITS RAINSS!!" Dean yelled in the the walky talkys all the seekers had. "I am on my way." Harry said as he ran, "Wait where are ou Dean?" "Professer Mcgongalls office, Professer won't let me in though, wait hang on shes opening the door." Dean said as Minnie opened the door to here office. "Mr. Thomas what in the world are you doing here?!" "Professer I saw Raina in your office, you see we are playing a game of hide and seek boys vs girls, so if you could let me i please." "I am afriad you just missed her Mr.Thomas." Minnie said as she walked away. "Dang guys, nevermind shes not over her."
"Go girls goo!!" Raina yelled as she, Mione, and Cho ran down the corridor to Minnies Office. "Hey Professer! We need some help!" Cho said as Minnie opened the door. "How may I help ladies." "Professer we need somewhere to hide. You see we are playing hide and seek with the guys and we have a bet, whoever wins out of the two rounds gets to tell the losing team what to do!" Cho said in a hurried manor trying to convencie Minnie to let them in. "Oh well, okay you can hide in here but you must tell the Weasley Twins to not prank me next week, I have alot of work I need to get down." Minnie says as she lets us in. "Deal!" Cho says as sje and Mione hide behind her door and I get under her desk. As soon as Raina got under the desk she saw Dean going bye, and he spotted her. "GUYS GET OVER HER I FOUND RAINA!!" He said in his speaker as Minnie slammed the door in his face. Then came a soft knock on her door. "Yes Mr.Thomas how may I help you?" Minnie spoke as she closed the door behind her. "Guys! We have to leave Now!" Mione said as her and Cho got out from behind the door. "We use Floo!" Raina said as she ran over to Minnie's fireplace. "WHAT! We can't use the professers floo network!" Mione said. "She won't mind, besides Minnie will want us to win!" Raina said as she grab some Floo and said "Dumbledoors office!" and disapearred. "WHAT WE CAN'T GO TO DUMBLEDORES OFFICE!" Mione whisper yelled at Cho as Cho grabbed some Floo powder and did the same thing after she said "Mione we don't have a choice unless you wanna get caught!" and then she disapeared. "FINE! Mione said as she grab some Floo and disapeared as well. "Omg I can't believe we did that!" Mione said as she stepped out of the fireplace to see Cho, Raina, and porfesser Dumbledore. "Why hello Mrs. Granger, Mrs. Lupins here as told me why she and you two are here, I only ask that Mr. Longbottom but one of those flytrap plants in professer Snape's office, I have been wanting to do that for a long time, but never got the chance." Dumbledore said as he let them hide in his office until he needed to leave. "Lets try the Headmasters office Oliver!" They hear Cedric say from behind the door. Then they heard a soft knock. "Come in" Dumbledore said and Mione put a hand over Rainas mouth cause she was about to laugh. "Why Hello Mr.Wood and Mr. Diggory, what can I fo for you two?" Dumbledore said as he stepped in front of his desk where Raina and Mione where hiding, while Cho was behind a bookcase. "We were wondering if you've seen Raina, Cho, Mione, Lav, Pav, Luna, Ang, Katie, Or Ginny anywhere?" Cedric spoke. "I believe I haven't seen them anywhere Mr.Diggory, very sorry about that." Dumbledore said as Cedric started to leave "Professer Dumbledore, if you see them anywhere just let us know please." Oliver spoke before following Cedric out. "Thanks Professer but we better get on the move on, can't stay in one place forever." Raina said as she, Cho, and Mione got out of there hiding spots anf left.
"Okay we've looked EVERYWHERE!" Ron said as he and Harry went to the cafiteria for Lunch. "The girls have to show up for lunch, it lunch! Also Raina loves food!" Harry said as he and the rest of the boys sat down. "Has anyone found any of the girls yet?" Ron asked as he and Harry sat down. "Yeah we found Lav, Pav, Ang, and Katie! We are still looking for the others though." Dean said as he took some more chicken. "You know if we can't find the rest of the girls we lose!" Nev said sadly. "No no no no no! I can't lose! Who knows what those girls are gonna make us do?!"  Theo said, "Besides I already have a plan of what I'm gonna make them do!". "Well we better get to searching then." Enzo said as he got up to go search with the rest of the boys behind him. "okay they are leaving the from Lunch, we can go now!" Ginny said as her and the rest of the girls who haven't been found yet entered for lunch. "Quickly!" Raina said as she ran to the Gryffindro Table with the girls behind her. "Shove your mouths then run away." Mione said as she started to shove her mouth full of... chicken? "Mione don't you hate that type of chicken?" Luna said. "Nevermind that just hurry girls!" Mione slightly yelled at them so they did what she told them. As they were getting up Dean and the Weasley Twins entered the Cafiteria, and spotted the girls getting up. "There they are!" Dean yelled across the room to the twins, the people who didn't already know what as going on looked over. "Shit!! SCATTER!!" Raina yelled as she and the girls ran. "Get them!!" Fred yelled. Dean went after Raina. Rain ran over to the Ravenclaw table grab a fist full of food and threw it at Dean. She then ran down the table as Dean followed her and she jumped over the table and ran out. Mione and Cho followed her but no sign of Ginny and Luna. The girls hid behind a group of hufflepuffs who were glade to help out. "Oh no! Luna and Gin were caught!" Cho Whisper yelled at Mione and Raina. "We gotta go guys!" Mione said as the three of them left.
"I'll go get them head master and put them in detention." Snevillus spoke as he started to get up but was stopped by Dumbledore. "It's okay Porfesser, I'v got a bet on this one!" Dumbledore spoke as Snevillus sta back down. "I to have a bet as well." Minnie said happily silently cheering the girls on. "GO RAINA!!!" Minnie said as soon as Raina left. "Sorry, very sorry." Minnie said as soon as the students, Fred, George, and Dean looked at her, she sat back down clearing her throat. "Didn't know my own head of house wants me to lose." Dean said "HA LOSERSSS! MINNIE LOVES US TO MUCH!!" Ginny yelled at her brothers and Dean as soon as she was caught.
"What are we gonna do they haven't been caught yet!" Dean said to the guys as the huddled in the common room with the girls who were caught on the couches. "I hope it stays that way!" Angelina yelled "Yeah well we don't!" Fred said as he smirked at Angelina who glared at him angerily. "Okay just split up and if you see them don't engage til you have someone eles with you!" Seamus said as he and the rest of the guys slip up
"HAHAHAHA WE WON LOSERSS!!" Raina said as she Cho, and Mione entered the cafetira as the girls start cheering "YASSSS WE WON!!" Angelina yelled as she stood up, "wait where are the boys?" Katie said, right as she said that the guys appeared, at least the ones who were't completly exhausted. "You haven't won yet!" Harry said. "Dang it Harold! Just let me win this once!!" Raina said as she glared at him. "No can do Ray!" "Oh I think you can" Raina then said. Fred, George, Dean, Theo, and Harry then lungged themsleves at the girls.
"HA I got Mione!!" Theo said as she grab Miones arms and sat her down on the bench to where she procedded to kick him in the shen. "Thats what you get for kidnapping me." Milne said as she swang her legs over and began to eat while cheering her friends on. "Why do girls always have to kick" Theo said as he to sat down. Cho was then caught by the twins whi tuen sat down as well. It was Raina vs Harry and Dean. "Two against one doesn't seem very fair now does it." Raina said in a calm tone, she was across the Slytherin tabel while Dean and Harry were on the other side. "Well Life isn't fair." Harry said as he and Dean went oppisite ways. Raina then jumped over the table and started up to the teachers table before Harry and Dean blocked her way. "To bad your gonna lose." Dean said. "Am I though?" Raina questioned while smirking and throwing one of the Weasley twins bombs down. Pink smoke filling the hall. "Where did she go?" "If don't know?" "She better have beaten your asses" "Thanks Gin" "Would be doing it myself if It wouldn't get me in trouble".
"Whacht looking for?" Raina said from in front of the teachers table. "NOO!!" Dean yelled as soon as he saw Raina, they had lost. "Oh to bad so sad. Not for me ofc. I get to tell you what to do for the next week." Raina said. "THATS MY BESTIE!! YESSS LOSERSSSS. SUCK MY DUCK BITCHESS!!" Angelina said as she ran up to Raina and hugged her.
"Congrats I guess." Harry said as everyone wen to sit down. "Thanks you to." Raina said as she and Harry sat down.
"Make sure you keep our deal Miss. Lupins!" Minnie yelled.
"Did you seriously make a deal with our head of house?" Harry said from beside Raina. "Yeah and with Dumbdoor as well!" Raina said smirking. "Oh jezz-"
this is probably the longest chapter I have wrote in this book so far! It took me all day. I'm Siruis.

Potter Simp - Social media fanfic✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя