Valentines Day❤️

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The Boyzz🥶

Mione: So are any of
you girls doing anything
for valentines day?

Rainonme: Eating Icecream
while watching romantic, and
crying, throwing up, and eating
glass cause I want a realstionship
like that. What are you girls plan?

Ginevra: I have never
related more. But me and Luna
are going to Hogsmade to get
Luna: Yep! Then we are going on
a picnic on this sunny
side of the castle!
Mione: I am now throwing up,
crying, hitting my head against the
wall. 😀 I am doing the same
thing Rainy is.

Rainonme: You know wuT
Mione! Fuck guys we will
be each others Valentines!!

Mione: Yeahh!! We don't
need no guys to make us
Ginevra: Your going to
go eat ice cream while watching
romantic movies, and complaing
on how you should have that an crying
am I right?
Mione: No

Rainonme: What she means is
no need to call us out Ginevra!!

Ginevra: For the last time
stop calling me Ginevra!
You know how I feel about that!

Rainonme: Well thats what
you get for leaveing me and Mione
on valentines day!

Mione: I am to sad to
correct your grammer
right now😭
Luna: Girls you don't need
no man to be happy just look at
Ginny and I, we don't have
mans and we are happier than ever!!
Mione: True, true, but you girls
have each other! I just have

Rainonme: At least I'm hot

Mione: Yeah thats a plus
Ginevra: 🤦‍♀️

The girls💅

Ron: So any of you
guys got dates to hogsmade
this weekend? I don't but I
think Ik who I'm gonna ask.
Dean: I bet it's Mione
Harry did you tell?!!

Harold: No. And it's just
plain obvious you like her.

Ron: Well Ik who your
gonna ask HaRoLD.
Seamus: Yep thats plain
obvious as well HaRoLD.

Harold: What's thats suppose
to mean?

Theo: It mEaNS we KNOW
you LoVe RaINy PoO.
Blaise: I why would you
put your contact name as Harold
when the only person who calls you
that is Rain.
Enzo: Oop- You just got
called out man!

Harold: Well ofc I'm gonna
ask her to Hogsmade. Just trying
to find the perfect time to ask.
And I wanna make sure she's not
gonne reject me either.

Nevillie: Really Harry?
Rain rejected 12 guys cause
none of them were you!!
So stop waiting AND GO ASK
Dean: Wow Nev.. that was amazing

Harold: 👀 Did you just..

Nev: You bet your ass
I did now go ask Rain
to hogsmade and STOP
Blasie: I would do that
now if I were you Harry.

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