Girls Night

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                        Bathroom group🤌
Ginevra: Why are we
named the bathroom

           Rainonme: Becasue
          we never go to the
           bathroom alone.

Lav: Wait, I
have gone to the
bathroom alone
Pav: Well I don't
think you should
be doing that anymore
Lav: Why?
Hermitcrab: Because Raina
and I got attacked by
a Troll in the first year,
Ginny got captured
in our second year,
Pav went missing when
she went alone
Lav: Okay okay I get
it I will stop going
alone. Wait where did
u go Pav when you
went missing??
Pav: Well someone
spiked my drink when
we were partying and
I ened up in the
Slytherin common
room partying
with them. It wasn't all that
bad though they are good
at throwing parties!!

Rainnonme: Don't tell
         Fred or Geroge that though😂✋

Lav: I could never
deal with their pranks
again!! It was bad enough😭✋
Pav: Remeber that time
when they put a stink bomb
in the boys dorm but we couldn't
tell the difference😭😭

Rainonme: Its because
their dorm
always smells so bad 😭

Hermitcrab: Excpet for Nevs side
ofc. He always has
good smelling plants

         Rainonme: I think Nev
         should start sharing his
         good smelling plants
         swith the rest of the boys

Geneva: I am so glad
I don't live next door to
those stinkers.
Pav: Wait don't the
elves clean our dorms?
Hermitcrab: Yeah they do. They
just don't go into the guys
dorm because of how
bad it stinks in their.
Lav: 🤣 I am laughing
so hard!!✋ Imagine your
dorm stinking so much
not even cleaning elves want
to go in there!!
Ginevra: Glad I won't
actually have to imagine that✋
Hermitcrab: GUYYSS!!! I just
had the most spectacular
idea EVER!! Instead of talking
about how bad the guys
room stinks let have a Girls Day!!

Rainonme: Wait how
did you
come up with that??

Hermitcrab: We were talking
about how the guys never
take care of themselves with
out our help so I thought we
should do something for ourselves
for once you know!
Lav: Not a bad idea Mione!
I can't remeber the last time
we all got together to have a girls

                        Rainonme: Hoestly me either!

Hermitcrab: Thats because
you are always hanging
out with Harry

Rainonme:Well if it makes
you feel better we only
hang out when you and Ron
are doing other things.

Hermitcrab: Like what?!!

Rainonme: Idk maybe studying
like all the time, also Ron just
walks eating his Honeydukes sweets

Hermitcrab: Well your not worng
the guys always need us to have fun.
Like they never leave us alone
unless its to do "guy things"
Like we can't play video games!!!
Lav: Alright enough talking
about the guys this is suppose
to be a girls day!!
rain.lupinss posted

liked by mione

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liked by mione.grang, h.j.potter, and 5,862 others
tagged: @mione.grang, @pav.patil, @lav.brownie, and @queen.gin
rain.lupinss: Girls day with my luvs❤️ Also I know the mask look stupied, personally I thought they would look better after we put them on😐

mione.grang: They looked so weird on us😭😭😭
\>> ronisking_weasley: What are the animals on the face mask? I can't tell what they are?
\>> rain.lupinss: Tbh I have no clue 😂 I think it might be a grizzly bear and a panda
\>> ronisking_weasley: That makes alittle bit of sense but I am still confused
\>> mione.grang: Guess your gonna have to stay confused Ron😂

deanisgay: Hey! Hey wasn't I invited!
\>> theo.dott: Me too!!
\>> blaiseiszanbini: Umm idk maybe becasue it is a girls day and you guys aren't girls?!!
\>> theo.dott: oh.. well I still want to be invited next time!!
\>> rain.lupinss: Deal, I'll even give you an animal face mask!!
\>> deanisgay: I want one too!!
\>> rain.lupinss: ofc!!❤️❤️

lav.brownie posted

liked by deanisgay, pav

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

liked by deanisgay, pav.patil, and 2,874 others
tagged: @pav.patil, @mione.grang, @queen.gin, and @rain.lupinss
lav.brownie: I am scared for this kichten.

rain.lupinss: Jokes on you I make the BEST brownies😑
\>> h.j.potter: Sure you do luv
\>> queen.gin: Ship!

queen.gin: Update Raina burnt them . Rip cupcakes 😔
\>> rain.lupinss: not my fault!! I'm bot the one who DIDN'T READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!!
\>> queen.gin: I did read the instructions very CLEARLY!! You just didn't hear me.
\>> mione.grang: Well at least me and Rain look good in the photo!!
\>> chochang: It's a photo taken moments before disaster! Also why didn't you invite me!!
\>> rain.lupinss: Oop- Well we tried to invite you but you were busy talking to you know who😜
\>> chochang: Don't you dare do it Raina. No!!
\>> mione.grang: Wait whos she talking about Rain??
\>> rain.lupinss: Cho here has a crush on a 7th year Hufflepuff😉
\>> cedrick: Wait Cho you have a crush on Zach??
\>> Chochang: Boys am I right
\>> mione.grang: Their literally clueless :/

Another chapter over!! I am offically out of school for winter break!! I will be updateing more often!!!

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