Gas station?

419 8 4

Animals Crackers

Mione: Hey you almost
here Rainy?
Ronnie: Yeah we be
waiting you snail
Potty: Hey! Don't call my
girlfriend a snail! Only
I can!

Rainonme: Oh Merlins Beard
no one can call me a snail.
It my mother thats
really the snail!
She always takes FOREVERRR
Yeah know.

Mione: Not really, my
moms pretty efficient with
time anyways.
Ronnie: Its not my mom
thats slow, its getting everyone
to the same spot which is
pretty difficult with Fred and
Geroge always on the lose with
their ridiculous pranks.
Also I can call Raino a snail
if I want POTTY!
Potty: HEY! Only Ray can call
my a toliet!
Mione: Control your boyfriend
Rainy, hes starting to throw punches
at Ronald! And you know Ron is weak!
Ronnie: Hey no I am not!!!
You take that back woman!!
Mione: 🤦🏻‍♀️

Rainonme: That emoji
should really become
a trend with you Mione
from how many times you've
used it, also I will control mine
as soon as you control yours.

Mione: Not my fault
you are dumb.
Wait I take that back, it is
my fault I became friends with Idiots.
Also I don't have a boyfriend so
I have no clue what your talking
Potty: HEY! We are not idiots!
Ronnie: YEAH!

Rainonme: Yeah! Wait
that wasn't intended for
me was it?

Mione: It was. And you guys
really believe you aren't? because
the both of you stopped fighting
for one minute
to text that, then proceded to go
back to wrestling over an argument you
both most likly don't even remember.
Ronnie: Shes not wrong Harry.
Potty: ......
Mione: Point. Made

Rainonme: Anywho, you
do to have a boyfriend.
Or you will once you admit your
feelings to Mr. Clueless over there

Mione: I'm out

Mione left the chat

Ronnie: Wait Mione has a
How come I'm always the last to know
these things!
Potty: ...... How?!
Ronnie: How what?!

Rainonme: How did Mione
fall in love with an idiot
like you. smh

Ronnie: I have no clue
what yoy are talking about. Btw
what does smh mean again?
Potty: It means
smooch me husband. Anywho
do you like Mione as well?
Ronnie: Yeah of course!
Shes my best friend! You all are!

Rainonme: He's  your
problem Harold.

Potty: HEY DON'T
Ronnie: What are yoy guys
fighting about?

rainonme left the chat
potty left the chat

Ronnie: NOT AGAIN!!

"Hey!" I said as I walked into the train station where my two best friends were. "OH MY GOSH! You took foreverrrrrr! What even took you so long, and don't blame it on your mom Raino." Ron asked glaring at me with a hand on his hip and another hand pointing at me. I gave him a werid look and said, "If I were to tell you anything different Ronnie it would be a lie. My moms slow! And don't you dare give my the look." I pointed a finger at him as he gave me a look of disbelif.

Simple Potter- A HP fanfic Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon