One night stand? - Xandra x Reader

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"WELL JUST LEAVE THEN" ally yells in my face.

"fuck you" i spit before walking away from this heated argument, absolutely furious at her. an accumulation of relationship problems have led to less communication and less patience with her. finally i let out all my thoughts and everything i want to say to her. that's when she yelled for me to leave. a million things traveled through my head on what to say, what to do. but all i could say was "fuck you"

i rush to the front door of my house and slip on the first pair of shoes i see. black high heels, not convenient but will do for what i have planned. "where are you going?!?" ally chases me to the door with panicked expression.

"leaving." i say blankly and grab a coat from the closet beside our main door.

"i'm sorry... i didn't mean it" the brunette sighs.

"yea well maybe you should think about what you say before you say it" i storm out of the house, slamming the door behind me. "FUCK" i hear ally scream and glass shader onto the floor with force.

i get in the car and turn it on. i search around the back seat in search of the tiny black dress i left on the floor when ally decided to rail me in the drive way.

i slip off my shirt and pants and quickly cover myself with the thin dress. ally never liked this dress, she called it slutty; perfect for where i'm going. i look up to see ally standing at the picture window, watching me with tears running down her face. a small amount of guilt rises in my gut and contemplation runs through my head. i brush it off before backing out of the driveway like a mad women.

ally usually never lets me drive when i'm angry, she knows how i get and is scared i'll get in an accident. i turn the stereo up as far as i can and speed onto the highway into the big city. it's night, all the clubs are open and i need something in my system.

i pull into a big club parking lot, i take one the small bag of coke i had hidden from ally in the dash bored and snort three lines then put it back. i rub my nose and throw my head back as i feel the rush shoot to my head. the lightheadedness is a feeling i crave when the substance first enters my system. any morals disappear along with my sense of judgement.

i edit my car and make towards the club, when i enter the bright lights and music feel euphoric. i walk to the bar and order their strongest drink and take it down all at once. i gag slightly but quickly order another, doing the same as with the last.

i stumble onto the dance floor and it's one big crowd of people grinding on each other. the music starts to become unclear and i can't tell if my eyes are closed or if my vision has blurred. on women is close behind me while another is infront of me. i open my eyes and look around, the floor doesn't feel level and i start to stumble, i move away from those two girls and continue to look around. my eyes meet those of a blonde women wearing a red crop top and white shorts. she's sitting in a booth a few meters away, i bite my lip and feel a pulse in between my legs.

she stands up and i get a view of her perfect body. she comes closer and closer, pushing through the crowd until shes standing infront of me. she doesn't say anything and neither do i. her hands travel to her pocket and grasp a pack of cigarettes. lights one up but instead of her taking a drag she places it in my lips "suck" she demands in a raspy voice. enough to make me cum right there.

i do as im told and blow out the smoke when i'm done, she smirks and takes on big drag before throwing it on the floor and saying "dance with me?" she smirks.

"you don't even need to ask" i bite my lip and we start dancing close to each other. she lips brush up against my neck and my back touches her front. she places her hands on my waist and digs her nails into my skin. i whimper and she nibbles on my neck, starting to grind on me harder. i feel something that shouldn't be there... it rubs against my bum as she moves. "why don't you come with me baby" she suggests, her warm breath blowing against my ear. "come on baby girl" she takes my hand and guides me out of the club.

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