Rough, Biting, Scrathing ~ Billie x Reader

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I open my eyes to the familiar sight of my bedroom. "Urghhh" I groan and get up. I'm definitely not a morning person. I sit with my feet dangling off the bed. I look over to my clock that is placed on my bed side table. 10:30am. Great.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Who is it" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"It's me hun" said my mother. "Can I come in".

"Yeah sure".

She opens the door. "Happy birthday sweetheart" she says holding a little bag.

"Thanks mom" I laugh.

"Here open your present" she says with a wide smile and hands me the bag. I chuckle and take the bag.
I move the tissue paper to revel a beautiful green sating dress

"Mom this is beautiful thank you....are you sure I can wear this" I ask, she's always been kind of strict when it came to clothing and would never let me wear something like this normally.

"Welllll, you are 19 now so you're of legal age so you can wear it" she rolls her eyes mocking sadness. I chuckle .

"Thanks mom".

"Of corse, you can wear it to your party this evening" she says with a grin.

"My party" I question not knowing anything about this.

"Yep, it won't be a lot just some family friends" she says and pats my shoulder.

"Thanks mom it sounds nice" I say truthfully, I honestly never liked big gatherings and I don't have many friends so it doesn't make a difference to me.

"Alright, I'll get out of your hair now"She jokes and makes her way to the door.

"Thanks mom" I say once more. She smiles and closes the door.

I take the dress out of the bag and hold it up it's gorgeous, I love satin it literally looks good on any body type!

I put the dress back in its bag .I was about to go do my makeup for my party later when my phone dings.
It's a text from billie dean my moms friend and my biggest crush. She helped me out a lot when my mom and I would go through rough times, I know she seen my like a daughter but I wanted her more than that.

Billie: hey sweet girl, I'm coming to your party later and since you're an adult I'll be giving you an extra special gift 😉.

My heart flutters as I read the text, I knew she didn't mean what I was thinking but I sure hoped it, she'll probably just give me a drink of alcohol or something.

Y/N: hey Billie, I can't wait. I'll see you tonight:) .

I place my phone down on my bed and walk to my bathroom that is attached to my bedroom.

I turn on the shower and let the water heat. I take my clothes off and brush my hair.

Once the water is heated I jump in and start cleaning my body. Paying close attention to the areas that need special care.

I Jump out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body. I look in the mirror and brush my hair.

Once I dry off I put on some comfy clothes and get started on my makeup. I know it's early but me being a Virgo and overly excited I can't help it.

I do my makeup, a simple natural makeup; some concealer in the corners off my eyes to make my face look lifted, some brown eyeliner , mascara and blush on my cheek bones and on my nose.

My phone dings again, I pick it up.

Billie: can't wait to see you either dear.

I smile at the pet name and put my phone back down. I smile at my self in the mirror actually liking how I look.

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