Dont Be Scared ~ Diane x Reader pt.3

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We are leaving" she says heading up the stairs. I follow behind her.

"Leaving we can't" I say pulling on the sleeve of her sweater. She just keeps walking without paying attention to me. "Mommy we can't leave" I pout.

"It's not up to you sweetheart and besides we can't stay here" she says as we reach the top of the stairs.

"What why not, I can't leave, my parents are here and my life" I exclaim with tears starting to fill my eyes.

"I am your life now you don't need them" she yells, I haven't been seen Diane this mad before and it frightens me, tears start to roll down my cheeks. We now ,both at the top of the stairs ,she hurry's over to me and wipes my tears.

"Don't cry my sweet girl" she says soft once again. "You need to come with need me" she says smiling, her hands are now shaking and she's staring deep into my eyes. "Now go into Chloe's room and take what ever clothes you want" she says and takes her hands off my cheeks. I nod and slowly walk to Chloe's room. When I enter the room is a mess, the posters that Chloe once had up are ripped off , there are holes in the walls and the window is smashed. What happened here? I open one of her drawers to see them un-organized and some clothes missing, did she run away?. I take some random clothes out and put them on the bed, there are some of my personal belongings from my house, ones that I've never brought to Chloe's. There is a heart locket that my grandmother gave me, my notebook, and a photo of me when I was little. I pick up the locket and instead of the picture of my grandmother and I it's a picture of Diane and I standing On the beach, I remember when Chloe took this the summer I went on vacation with them.

In the picture Diane is hugging me from behind and we are laughing as the sun is setting behind us. "You're so beautiful" Diane says and hugs me from behind.

"Where did you get these" I stammer.

"Your house baby" she says and moves my hair from around my neck and lightly kisses it.

"B-but my parents, this doesn't make sense" I whisper.

"What doesn't sweetheart" Diane says now sucking on my neck and massaging my waist. I have to admit this is making me wet, but I can't this isn't right how did she get my stuff, are my parents okay. I pull away from her, she glares at me.

"How did you get these where are my parents" I demand.

"You don't need to worry about them" she hisses. "I'm all you need".

"Did you hurt them" I urge slowly taking steps back. She grabs my wrist tight and pulls me close.

"I told you not to worry about them, it's only you and me now sweetheart" she says softly but still hurting my wrist. Tears start to fall and my breath gets caught in my throat. "What wrong princess" she asks.

"You said you wouldn't hurt me" I sob.

"Oh baby I'm sorry" she lets go of my wrist and hugs me. I hold her tight and sob into her neck. "Mommy won't hurt you again unless you're being punished" she tries to sooth me.

"P-punished" I ask.

"Yes honey, If you break the rules I'll punish you" she says rubbing my back.

"What are the rules" I ask.

"I'll tell you in the car" she says and squeezes me tight before letting me go. "Now come on ,we need to leave" she says and grabs my belongings and the clothes I picked out. She puts the locket around my neck and kisses my four head "I love you my sweet girl" she smiles.

"I love you too mommy" I say and we walk out of Chloe's room. Diane grabs a few of her belongings and her bags, we slip on our shoes and leave, but I remember I had my phone when I came here. "What about me phone" I ask before Diane can open the front door of the house.

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