Chapter 3 - Like I'm trying too hard...

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That night I gained, what felt like new life long friends.

They were about the cutest most awkward people I have ever met and they awkwardly, yet satisfyingly, reminded me of myself.

That night we walked around and laughed at lame jokes and played on playgrounds. I mean...obviously it wasn't part of the original plan but it was fun, then we exchanged numbers.

It was Monday and it was the start of the new grading period.

As I walked into the school, I was greeted with the student council passing out our new schedules.

"Hello my name is Sullivan Anders and I hope the end of the year is amazing for you," He smiled, "So what's your name gorgeous?"

"Jonathan Ritter."

"I love your name by the way. It's not cliché like all the other girl names in the world like Lauren or Brook or some shit." I laughed as I thought 'how it this guy in student council?'

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Hey looks like we have all classes together. Go nerds. Just a by the way...we should have lunch sometime."

My pale face quickly turned into a shade of poison apple red. I nodded and then said, "I would like that."

He smiled back, "Well Miss Ritter, good luck on your classes."

I laughed as I began to walk away.

My schedule for end of the year was pretty great. 

I didn't have hard classes. Mainly just electives and some science classes.

"Hey stranger." I turned around to find the one and only Luke Hemmings.

"Sorry my mom told me-"

"Not to talk to strangers? I know, aren't you a lucky person to be friends with The Luke Hemmings."

"We legit met yesterday and we are now friends?"

" rude...What are your classes rude person?" Luke laughed.

I aggressively passed him the paper as he read through my schedule.

"We have Art, French 3, and Lunch together!" Luke smiled his dimply smile and I, like usual, poked his dimples.

"You're really weird you know?"

"Oh yea. It's in my veins." I said as I skedaddled away.

"Oh hey, um, wanna meet up after school? The boys and I are going to the park..."

"Yea sure! I mean I haven't met Michael or Ashton yet...hopefully it's not awkward." I smiled and Luke smiles back.

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