"Names?" the bouncer asked not looking up from his clipboard.  Drake smirked and then cleared his throat rather loudly.  The guy looked up annoyed before astonishment took over his features.  "Oh, uh, come on in miss," he stuttered doing a weird bow and motioning for us to enter.

I smiled to myself.  Being a princess does have its quirks.

I've only been to a club once or twice before but this one looked just like those on TV.  The strobe lights flashed everywhere, creating an intense atmosphere.  The bodies swayed and moved to the beat, except they were all famous bodies.  I spotted Cher Lloyd talking to some guy and Alex Pettyfer making his way around a table of ladies.

But I didn't care.  I only came here looking for a certain curly haired boy.  

"Shall we dance?" Drake asked holding out his hand to me.  I stared at him incredulously.  He knew why I was here.  "For the paparazzi," he clarified looking around.  

"There's no paps in here," I stated confused. 

He shrugged, "You never know."  I grinned as a plan formed in my head.  

"Since there's no paps here, you two should go keep each other company while I look for a certain somebody," I sang pushing Drake and Femi together.  Femi scowled but her eyes told me that she was pleased.  Drake looked utterly confused before looking at Femi once more.  That seemed to convince him as he took her by the hand and led her to the dance floor.

I scanned the room before squealing excitedly and rushing over to the food table.

"Niall!" I cheered hugging him tightly.  He seemed to be shocked by appearance before realizing it was me and hugging me back.  Man, I've missed his hugs.

"Josie, what are you doing here?" he asked still kind of stunned.

"To find Harry, duh!" I said getting more and more hyper.  If Niall was here, Harry had to be close by. Where was he?

Niall gave me a sympathetic look and nodded.  "He's over at the bar, good luck Josie."

I nodded and hurried away.  I really did need that luck.  Tonight was the night I had to change things and set them right.  I don't know how I would do it, but it can be done.  

Soon enough, I spotted a head full of those luscious curls...except they looked rather limp.  

"Harry?" I asked tapping on his shoulder.  He didn't even turn around, but waved his hand at me from over his shoulder, telling me to go away.  This was not how I intended our reunion to be like.

I plopped onto the chair next to him and greeted him again, "Hi Harry!" Again, no response.  Growing slightly irritated, I waved my hand in front of his face.  That seemed to do the trick as he turned to face me with frustration on his face.

Surprise quickly took it's place as he saw me.  "Josie!" he said, clearly surprised.  

"Harry!" I greeted for the third time.  Immediately, I was engulfed in a bone crushing hug, lacking oxygen.  But at that moment, I didn't care.  As long as I was in his arms.

"I'm never letting you go again," he whispered into my ear.

"Promise?" I ask holding on tight to his waist.

"Cross my heart and hope to die.  I promise," he stated solemnly.  I smiled and rested my head on his chest as we went to sit on a bench together.  

That's when I got a good look at his face.  I gasped in shock.  His eyes had dark bags under them and there were several cuts on his face.  He looked like he had just awoken from the dead.  

"That bad?" he asked humorlessly.

"What happened?" 

"Let's just say, I didn't take our 'break-up' too well," he said looking away from me.

"What are we going to do?" I whispered against his chest.  He breathed out a frustrated breath before answering.

"I don't know.  But whatever we do, I'll be by your side unless you want me gone."

"You'll be by my side forever," I warned looking up at his green eyes.

"That's the plan," he said smilingly and leaning in a little.  My eyes fluttered close, eagerly awaiting for his lips to come in contact with mine.

After a moment, I opened them in disappointment.  

"I can't kiss you," he breathed.  I detected an undercurrent of anger in his voice and agreed with it wholeheartedly.

I frowned understandingly and clutched onto his arm like it was a lifesaver.  

"But it doesn't matter that I can't kiss you," he said rubbing circles onto my back, "all that matters is that I love you."

There.  He said it again.  Butterflies - the good kind, erupted inside my tummy.  I smiled and opened my mouth to say it back.  But it wasn't coming out.  It seemed as if I was in a frozen state of happiness and none of my body parts were functioning correctly.  He looked down at me, with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"It's okay if you don't feel the same way.  I just had to get it out there you know?  Make sure you know that I mean it.  Because after tonight, you're probably going to be ripped away from me again.  Did I creep you out?  I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to.  It's just that- I feel, well I don't know exactly what I feel, but it's-"

"I love you too," I blurted out.  A grin made it's way onto my face as I finally said the words aloud.  

"What?" Harry asked looking caught off guard.

"I love you too!" I said snuggling into his warm body.  His strong arms tightened around me as he breathed a sigh of relief onto my face.  

I could live in this moment forever.  Just me and Harry.  Harry and me.  Together.  This is all that mattered.  

Sudden whispering then made my ears perk up.  I looked up to see a group of celebrities looking towards something in the middle of the dance floor.  My eyes followed their line of sight to see something I wish I could unsee.

There, in front of everybody, was Femi, getting felt up by Drake while they had a hot and heavy make out session like nobody else was in the room.  A wry smile made its way onto myself.  Both of them were fucked for sure.

Harry also spotted them and a chuckle escaped his lips.  "Your husbands making out with your best friend."

"I'm heartbroken," I teased him.  His arms tightened around me involuntarily.

"But you could make me feel better," I whispered into his ear.  

"And how is that?" he asked already leaning in for the kill. A small smile played at the edges of my lips.

"Kiss me."


Hey guys! This story's only going to be a few more chapters I think... anyways have a nice day and eat something good! Lol, don't know why I said that... ;) 

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