Chapter 25. You're Going To Be A Great Dad

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Denki read over the instructions in his hands, sitting cross-legged in front of the open box. It was nearing October, meaning they head a little under a month before the babies arrived and he wanted to set up the cribs. Problem was, he was running on about 2 hours of sleep and a bowl of dry cereal because for some reason the babies hated milk right now.

The omega had been board all day because apparently every one of his classmates was busy with one thing or another, some at their work-studies, others at home with family for the weekend. Hitoshi would be coming back soon but he had been too antsy to just sit around. He couldn't sleep let alone nap, especially when Shinso wasn't around, so that was out of the question. So as he sat around the room, his eyes landed on the unmade cribs and so here he was, sitting on the floor trying to figure out how to put it together.

Denki read the instructions and pulled out a few of the pieces, "so this should go..." he found another piece and tried putting them together. "Here?" Why did this have to be confusing? It was just instructions for a baby's bed!

Nothing seemed to be fitting together and Denki was getting frustrated so he lay back on the ground and pulled one of the blankets off the bed and onto the floor with him. "Stupid baby cribs," he muttered, wrapping himself in a cocoon.

And now he was crying.

The door to the room opened but Denki wasn't paying attention.

Hitoshi shouldn't be surprised that he came back to the dorms to find his boyfriend curled up on the ground over a mound of blankets, it happened more often than you would expect, yet somehow he was still a little taken aback.

"Denks? Is everything ok?" Hitoshi asked softly, sitting on the ground beside his boyfriend.

Denki peaked his head out from under the blanket and looked up at Hitoshi. His eyes were red and puffy but his tears had stopped. He shifted to sit up, still holding the blankets around him. "Cribs are stupid," he stated.

Hitoshi did his best not to laugh because just by looking at the mess on the ground he could see that Denki had been trying to put the wrong pieces together. He opened his arms and Denki fell into his lap, snuggling up against him. "Cribs are very stupid," Hitoshi agreed, kissing Denki's forehead. "I'll help you build it once you're cheered up."

Denki buried his face in Hitoshi's neck and nodded. "You're warm," he muttered. "And smell good."

Hitoshi chuckled, picking up the bundled-up omega to move him to their bed. "I'm glad you think so."

"Like... really good," Denki rubbed his face against Hitoshi's neck as the alpha lay them both down and spooned his boyfriend. "Really, really good."

The alpha hummed, "and I think you are really, really tired, try and get some sleep love."

Denki whined, "but the babies keep kicking and I can't sleep." He desperately did want to sleep but apparently, Nari and Ayumu had other plans and wouldn't stop moving.

Hitoshi gently rubbed his hand against Denki's swollen stomach. "Just try, you need sleep." Hitoshi kissed the top of his head and let off some calming scents. "You got to take care of yourself, love."

"I know," Denki hummed, "I know." He closed his eyes and tried to drift off into the land of dreams.

Whatever Hitoshi was doing helped. He was knocked out cold within 10 minutes.

As he slept, he dreamed. He dreamed of his children, he dreamed of his life with Hitoshi.

Denki didn't know how long he was asleep, but by the time he was waking up, he couldn't feel Hitoshi anywhere on the bed. His eyes stayed closed as he patted around the bed, looking for him.

When he found nothing but empty sheets Denki opened his eyes slowly. Did he leave? Where did he go? Why wasn't he here? Where was he? "Hitoshi?" Denki asked, on the verge of tears as he looked around the room.

Hitoshi lifted his head and looked to the bed. He had started going over the instructions for the crib. "You ok?" He asked, hearing his voice wobble.

Denki crawled over to the end of the bed, sliding down to the floor beside his boyfriend and leaning against him. "Why weren't you in bed?" He asked.

Hitoshi put his arm around Denki, "sorry if I worried you," he whispered. "I thought I'd start the crib while you slept."

Denki nodded slowly, turning his face into Hitoshi's neck, feeling like he was about to fall asleep again. "Oh," he muttered, "but I wanted to make it together."

Hitoshi kissed Denki's forehead, "that's why I was only organizing it so it would be easier to put together."

Denki snuggled closer, smiling as he looked up at Hitoshi. "I love you."

"I love you too," Hitoshi told him, pecking him on the lips.

"No, like, really, really love you."

Hitoshi huffed out a laugh and pressed their foreheads together. "And I really, really love you too Denki. Don't ever doubt it."

Denki hummed, "you're going to be a great dad."

"Yeah?" He asked playfully, earning another hum. "So will you."

(So I just finished writing the last two chapters of Tiny Sparks (they will be posted on the 5 and 12 of feb) and I've been debating on doing a sort of after story following the twins. It's a 50/50 at the moment but I wanted to ask if you guys would like seeing that or not.)

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