Chapter 17. Forever and Always

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(Bit of a filler sorry)

Kaminari lay, cuddled up with his boyfriend in his nest, trying and failing to sleep. They had both had a long day of school. "Toshi?" He muttered. "Are you awake?"

The alpha groaned softly, his arms tightening around Kaminari for a short moment as he woke up. "Mhhh what is it?" He asked, trying to sound awake. "Something wrong?"

"I can't sleep," the omega told him.

Shinso hummed, indicating that he heard and understood what Kaminari had said. "Are you thinking about what your dad said?" He asked quietly. It had been a few days, it was closer to a week, and they hadn't gotten any word from Kaminari's parents. Shinso's parents, on the other hand, had offered several times to help in any way they could. It was sweet but they were becoming overbearing and Shinso would rather decline than let his parents do too much.

The day after they told their parents, Mic and Aizawa had a sit down with Shinso, asking way too many questions and seeing if the alpha would stick it out or abandon Kaminari and their child. Spoiler alert, Mic and Aizawa would be much more disappointed with their son if he were to abandon Kaminari now than when they found out about the pregnancy. Though that wasn't hard to beat considering they had been more shocked than anything at the dinner. And yet another spoiler alert, Hitoshi wasn't going anywhere.

Kaminari paused for a moment before nodding slowly. "That's part of it."

The alpha held his boyfriend a little closer. "Just give it time, your parents love you, and that hasn't changed, I promise."

"You think so?"

"I know so."

"But what if you're wrong?"

Shinso buried his face in Kaminari's hair, forcing himself to stay awake. "Then I'll love you enough to make up for it."

Kaminari chuckled softly. He noticed how cheesy his boyfriend got when he was tired and would never not love it. He took in a long breath of Shinso's scent. "You promise Hitoshi? You'll always love me?"

Shinso hummed, in a half-asleep daze. "Always and forever my omega," he muttered into Kaminari's hair.

Kaminari blushed a deep red. That was the first time he had heard Shinso call him that and wow it sounded amazing coming from the alpha. His mouth broke into a grin as he hummed happily. "Really?" He asked, trying to get Shinso to say it again.

The alpha just hummed tiredly.

"I'll love you forever and always too alpha."

Another low hum and Kaminari was pretty sure his boyfriend had fallen asleep again. He chuckled softly, snuggling into Shinso again and trying to sleep. He was feeling better, so what could go wrong?

He should never have asked because just as sleep was about to take the wheel and drive him to the land of dreams, Kaminari's cravings crash-landed and put the dream road under construction until further notice.

"Toshi?" Kaminari asked again.

"Yes, Denks?" He asked with a small sigh as he woke up again.

"Can you get me something to eat? I have cravings," he told the alpha. "Something spicy?"

Shinso took a moment before responding and Kaminari thought that he had been sleep-talking the first time. "Ok, I'll go check the fridge and see if there's anything there," he said, letting go of Kaminari and sitting up. "I shouldn't be too long," the alpha said, leaning down and kissing Kaminari's forehead, making the omega giggle softly.

"You're the best, I love you," Kaminari told his boyfriend as he threw on a sweater and headed for the door.

"Mhm, I know you do," Shinso said playfully. "And I love you too."

Kaminari hummed happily as his boyfriend left. He lay back on the bed, cocooning himself in the blankets and Hitoshi's scent. He smiled to himself for no reason in particular.

"Toshi's going to be a good dad," he muttered to himself, rubbing his hand in circles on his stomach as Shinso did. It was only just starting to show, but Kaminari could feel it. "He's going to love you," Kaminari said, now talking to his baby. "So, so much. We both will."

He had found himself talking to his baby a few times, he found it oddly soothing, and if he remembered correctly he had read somewhere that it was good to talk to your baby when they were developing. So, when alone in his room, Kaminari would take the time to talk to his baby. If felt good to have someone to spill his worries to, even if they were a literal fetus.

"But I'm so scared," he whispered. "So, so scared. I don't want to mess up."

If he was waiting for an answer, it never came. No magical force spoke to him telling the future, he was just left there in silence. Him and his baby.

Shinso came back, knocking once as he opened the door to let the omega know it was him. Hitoshi handed his boyfriend the small plate of food as he crawled into bed again, snuggling against the omega. "I hope that's ok," he said softly as he snuggled his face into Kaminari's neck.

He took a bite, yeah, this was exactly what he was craving. What even was this? Some sort of chicken? "It's perfect Toshi, thank you," he said softly, earning a small, tired, hum from his boyfriend. "I love you."

Shinso's arms tightened around him, giving a silent answer as he closed his eyes wanting to go back to sleep. Kaminari wasn't opposed, he loved how cuddly Shinso had gotten after he found out about the pregnancy. Kaminari was already very touchy, but having it reciprocated was always nice. "Try and get some sleep tonight," Shinso mumbled, already half asleep.

The omega hummed, finishing up the small plate of leftovers. "I will." He put the plate on his bedside table before reclaiming his spot in Shinso's arms, snuggling as close as he could against the alpha's chest and taking in his warmth. "Night." When he received no response, verbal or otherwise, Kaminari assumed Shinso had fallen asleep again. He smiled softly, closing his tired eyes and finally feeling like he could sleep soon.

Kaminari managed to fall asleep not long after, his body much more tired than he had realized.

(Y'all I think I just got a girlfriend wtf)

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