Chapter 23. Baby Shower

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Denki hadn't expected his friends to throw a baby shower for him the day they returned to the dorms. It had scared him when everyone jumped out and yelled congratulations and he had almost started crying seeing how happy everyone was for them.

The baby shower was essentially just them talking and catching up after their summer break, eating snacks, and playing games.

Though truth or dare had been the fan favourite they opted for two truths one lie. It was a simple game and would let everyone stay in their seats.

Denki cuddled up against Hitoshi on the couch as he was told to start. "Alright," he thought of what he was going to say. "My... biggest craving at the moment is peanut butter, the baby names we picked were Aika and Satoshi... and my parents hated Toshi when we first started dating."

What made the game fun was that they already knew so much about each other that they had to dig for things to say. Hitoshi and Denki hadn't revealed the names for the kids yet and had agreed to do it today and the only people Kaminari had gone to when worried about how his parents didn't trust Hitoshi was Mina and Kirishima. so he believed they were good things he could use for his game.

His friends muttered to each other, trying to guess the answer while Kaminari looked up at Shinso with a grin, happy with his choice.

In the end, most guessed for his parents not liking Shinso being wrong, but that one was the truth. "My parents took a long time to warm up to Toshi," Kaminari chuckled, kicking his feet back and forth. "And peanut butter is the best thing to come to earth right now. The answer was the second one."

"Then what are you naming them?" Mina asked, leaning forward in her seat. She hadn't known they had picked names already, even though that had happened two months ago or so near the beginning of the summer.

"Yeah! Now you have to tell us!" Uraraka told them.

Hitoshi chuckled and Denki looked up at him wondering if he wanted to tell them. "Nari and Ayumu, those were the names we picked," Shinso told them.

Kaminari nodded and smiled. "Yeah! Nari for the girl and Ayumu for the boy."

There was a chorus of awe's and those are cute names from their classmates.

The game moved on to Mina next, and the Sero, who (maybe not so) surprisingly lived at a circus for the first few years of his life? Like what? Next to that the most shocking thing to come from the game was that Uraraka's parents used to have her wear one of those backpack leashes so she wouldn't float herself away by accident (again).

"Wait wait wait, let us get this straight," Sero began when Todoroki finished his turn.

"What is not to understand?"

"The last time we got attacked by the league they asked you to join them?" He asked the class baffled at this.

"And found out Dabi was your brother?" Jiro asked. "And you didn't think to tell us?"

So maybe Uraraka's thing wasn't the biggest revelation of the night.

"That would be correct." He hadn't mentioned it because he didn't believe it was necessary.

"Now that I'm thinking of it, it does sort of make sense," Denki muttered tapping his chin. Powerful fire quirk and hate for heroes? It lined up.

Mina clapped her hands to gain their attention. "Maybe we should move on, this is supposed to be Kami's baby shower after all!" She told the class. They muttered their agreements but they all know the topic would be revisited later on. "Alright, good, let's do food!" Mina called. "And when everyone settles again Kami can open the presents."

"Presents?" The omega asked confused.

"Yep! Presents, this is a baby shower after all!"

"You- you guys didn't have to do that! Hitoshi and I already figured out-" Mina put a finger over Denki's lips and smiled.

"Don't worry hun, it's a baby shower, presents are involved in a baby shower. Besides, no one spent too much... actually let me restart. No one who couldn't afford it spent too much." That made Kaminari believe that Todoroki, Iida and Momo all probably spent a lot and that was going to make him feel guilty. He didn't want to ask for too much and he had a feeling it would be too much. "Now stop worrying and come eat, Sato made peanut butter cookies."

For the most part, the presents were sendable and within a reasonable price range that Kaminari felt ok with accepting. But then it got to his classmates who had never really learned how much was too much when it came to a price limit and wanting to help their friends out.

Todoroki had gotten them a pack n play which was essentially a bassinet, change table and playpen all in one. He had said his mother and sister helped him with picking the gifts out since he didn't know what he should get.

Iida got them two high chairs.

And finally, Momo had gotten them a baby jumper and a twin stroller.

Don't get them wrong, they were grateful, but this seemed like too much. They had been talking to their parents and they had offered to help buy essentials like this.

Again, they loved it, but this seemed like too much. Denki tried putting on a smile, he didn't want to disappoint his friends. "Thank you," he said quietly. "This is great, a-a lot, but great."

This was also making everything so very real. Two months. Two months and they were parents. They would be using everything they just got.

As the party came to a close and everyone started turning in for the night after helping bring all the gifts to the couple's room, Kaminari collapsed into bed. He was tired. Everything was sore and he felt like sleeping for a year after that.

Hitoshi joined him in bed after closing and locking their door, pulling the freshly cleaned blankets up over them and pulling Denki into his chest. "Are you ok?" He asked softly, kissing the top of his head.

"I'm sore and tired and drained," Kaminari muttered, "and these stupid hormones don't help at all." Shinso hummed, running his hand through his boyfriend's hair. "I also feel like our friends did too much getting all these gifts for the babies. It was sweet of them but too much."

Another hum from Hitoshi as he shifted and rubbed gentle circles over Denki's back to loosen the tense and sore muscles. "They just want to help, and god knows they can spare the change," he joked to try and lighten the mood.

Now Kaminari hummed a soft chuckle, closing his eyes and enjoying the way Hitoshi's fingers pressed against his skin. "Your not wrong," he muttered.

"How's your back today?" Shinso asked, changing the subject.

"Good when you massage it like that," Denki muttered, half asleep. "Thank you, Toshi."

"Of course, love," Shinso told him, leaning over and kissing Denki's temple. "Anything for you."

Kaminari chuckled softly but didn't answer. He was already falling asleep.

Hitoshi continued a moment longer to make sure the omega didn't wake up as he lay back down next to him, his arm wrapping around him gently and pulling his back flush to his chest. "I love you," he whispered, kissing the nape of his neck. "Sleep well, love."

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