Chapter 21. Happy Birthday

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(Strap in, this is a long chapter)

Shinso woke up early the next morning, smiling softly as his boyfriend snuggled up into his side. It was Kaminari's birthday today, and Shinso had lots planned, how could he not? It was Denki's 18th birthday, he deserved something extra special, and extra special was what he would get.

Carefully, Shinso moved Denki's arms from around his waist, replacing himself with the pillow he had been using so the omega had something with his scent on it. He had found that Kaminari had trouble sleeping when Hitoshi got out of bed and this was a way to help him stay in the land of dreams while the alpha made him breakfast.

Kissing his sleeping boyfriend on the temple, Shinso left the room and headed down the hall to the kitchen. They had decided to stay at Hitoshi's parent's house during the summer since they had been closer to the school and Kaminari still had a bit of a rocky relationship with his dad. Denki had called his mother a few times and she was very happy for them and eager to give her support, which was a good thing because he didn't think Denki could handle both of his parent's disapproval.

Hizashi was in the kitchen making coffee for his husband who was passed out after a long night of patrolling. "Good morning," Mic greeted with a smile as he found Aizawa's favourite mug in the cupboards above the stove.

"Morning dad," Shinso yawned, rubbing his eyes as he pulled a pan out from another cupboard so he could make breakfast.

There was a proud smile on his face as he looked at his son. "Are you ready for today?" He asked, pouring the coffee into the mug and adding the small splash of cream that Aizawa liked in his coffee.

Shinso smiled to himself, glancing over to his dad. "Yeah," he spoke quietly, almost embarrassed to admit, though he wasn't sure why.

"I should get the coffee to Shota before he wakes up," Mic told him, raising the mug he had poured for Aizawa and leaving the kitchen.

Shinso continued making breakfast, he was making chocolate chip pancakes, Kaminari's favourite. He had learned this pretty early on in their relationship, the omega would have chocolate chip pancakes every meal if his friends and family didn't make him eat at least a little variety in his foods.

He was putting the last pancake on a plate when he heard a soft sniff come from behind him. "T-Toshi," he heard his boyfriend whine. Shinso put the plate down and turned to see Denki with Hitoshi's pillow clutched to his chest as a tear slipped down his cheek.

Hitoshi quickly pulled his boyfriend closer, "Hey what's wrong?" He asked softly, holding the omega's waist in one hand and brushing a strand of hair out of his face with the other and making him look up to Hitoshi.

"W-why weren't you in bed? You disappeared," Kaminari sniffled, leaning into Shinso's touch.

"I was just making breakfast," Shinso told him softly. "You don't need to worry."

Denki pressed himself against Shinso, clutching the alpha's shirt. "I thought you left," he whispered, a soft sob passing his lips. His mind jumped to too many conclusions when his boyfriend disappears without a word.

Shinso rubbed his back softly, wrapping him in a tight hug. "I'm not leaving," he said gently. "You don't ever need to worry about me leaving." Kaminari pressed his face against Shinso's chest, taking in his scent. He said nothing as Hitoshi ran a hand through his sleep tousled hair. "Breakfast is ready if you want chocolate chip pancakes."

"You made pancakes?" Denki asked, his voice muffled by Shinso's chest.

The alpha hummed lowly. "I was about to bring them to you before you woke up. Special birthday breakfast." Kaminari pulled back from Hitoshi's chest and looked up to his boyfriend. His eyes were shining with unshed tears.

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