Chapter 24. But I Apologized

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Another day of training meant another day of Denki sitting on the sidelines. Usually, he worked on homework or other things like that, but he was too distracted today to focus on math problems or poetry.

He lay his head back against the cold wall and watched as his friends and classmates trained their abilities. They would all become great heroes, Kaminari could tell, but he feared that he would be left behind and never be as great.

Denki's hand pulled at the chain around his neck to pull the ring Hitoshi had given him out from under his shirt. He ran his fingers over it, reminding himself that everything would be ok. Aizawa had already gone over a few options with him.

His teacher had agreed to train him after the twins were born and they got settled. He agreed to help him catch up and graduate from the hero side of his school course. He was lucky to have the support system he did.

Kaminari's eyes followed his boyfriend as he trained, not focusing enough to see the moves he was using, just keeping an eye on him.

He felt his phone buzz in his pocket and pulled it out. He didn't know who he was expecting but it was not his father to be calling him. Denki quickly asked Aizawa if he could go outside to take the call and slipped out of the building.

"Hello?" Denki asked when he picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

It was quiet for a moment before his father's voice came through the phone. "Hello Denki," he started. He sounded nervous like he wasn't sure what to say.

"What are you calling for? I'm kind of in the middle of class right now," Denki lied. He didn't want to talk to his dad too long and if he needed he could use the excuse that he has to get back to class to hang up.

"I- I wanted to apologize to you, Hitoshi as well," he said. An apology would have been better suited to an in-person conversation but at this point, Denki wasn't complaining. "How I acted before, when you told us you were... pregnant, was immature and inappropriate. I'm sorry."

Denki was at a loss for words. This was the last thing he was expecting to happen today. "It's about time," he muttered under his breath. "But umm..." he took in a deep breath, "I don't think I can forgive you right now."

"But I said I was sorry," he sounded baffled.

Kaminari lent against the outside of the building, his eyes on the ground as he kicked a few rocks. "I know," he whispered. "But I don't think I can forgive you right now." He took in a shaky breath, closing his eyes to try and stop the emotional tears. "You wanted me to get an abortion. You were threatening my kids' lives. You didn't even want me to try. And- and sure this is going to put my plans to become a hero on hold for a little while but I've accepted that. I accepted that the second I decided I would have the twins. So no, I'm not forgiving you, I- I can't forgive you for that right now." Denki was gripping his arm hard enough it might bruise but it was the only thing grounding him right now and stopping him from breaking down into tears. "You couldn't trust me. I wouldn't be doing this if I knew I couldn't do it. You undermined my decision and made me double guess myself. I'm going to need time to forgive you."

His dad took a moment before speaking again. "I understand," he said. "I hope that you can forgive me in the future, Denki, but I will not push you to do so."

A tear slipped down Kaminari's face and dripped off his nose. He squinted his eyes tighter and sighed. "I should- I should go, I should be in class."

"Have a good day Denki," Mr. Kaminari told him, quietly.

"You to dad." Kaminari hung up and slid down the wall to sit on the ground. "Just breath," he told himself. "Just breath." One hand held the ring around his neck while the other held his stomach. Tears slipped down his cheeks and he tried to wipe them away. He desperately wanted to go to Hitoshi right now but he didn't want to take him away from his training.

He hated his emotions for making him want to sob. He wanted nothing but to be held by Hitoshi and sob. "Can't I just stop fucking crying for one minute?!" Denki curled in on himself more. Lately, the littlest things would tip him off over the edge. He had started to accept the fact that he and his father may never get back the relationship they used to have but now he was trying to apologize and his brain just wouldn't shut up.

It took him longer than he would have liked to be able to calm down enough to go back inside. He quietly and quickly explained that he was no longer mentally stable enough for class and asked to go back to the dorms. With this being the last class in the school day Aizawa nodded and sent him to the dorms.

Kaminari almost collapsed into bed, pulling some of the blankets closer so he could have Hitoshi's scent near him.

He cried more.

There was a knock at his door before it opened slowly. "Denks?" Hitoshi's voice called as he closed the door behind him. "Aizawa said you weren't feeling good, are you ok?" He asked approaching the bed and sitting beside his boyfriend who was trying to hide his sniffles in the blankets.

"I-I don't even know." Denki's voice wobbled but he didn't move from his spot on the bed. "I got a-a call from my- my dad and now I- I can't stop crying."

Shinso carefully lay beside Denki and pulled him into his chest. The omega easily accepted the contact and sunk into his boyfriend's chest with a shaky sigh. "Can I ask what he said?" The alpha may need to be held back if he was still trying to convince Kaminari to abort or put the twins up for adoption again.

"He- he apologized? And- and said he was sorry? And I just- I don't get it." Hitoshi ran his hand through the omega's hair as he explained. "He- he said he was s-sorry for what he said and-and I told him I didn't accept his apology."

Shinso didn't understand why he wouldn't accept the apology, Denki had been so worked up about his father not loving him anymore. "Is there a reason you didn't accept the apology?" He asked softly, wanting to understand.

Denki pressed himself against his boyfriend more. "He- he threatened our- our babies. He didn't want me to have them. How- how can he ask me not to have them and then- and then expect me to say it was ok? Be-because it wasn't, it wasn't ok. It will never be ok. I- I just don't know how to forgive him and-and now I'm crying."

Hitoshi didn't know what to say. He could understand where he was coming from. It made sense but he had no idea how he was supposed to respond.

"Hitoshi, what do I do?" His voice cracked more and Shinso wrapped his arms around Kaminari for some form of comfort.

"I don't know," he whispered.

Kaminari said nothing afterwards. His breathing regulated and soon his sniffling stopped. Shinso was sure he fell asleep and tried doing the same.

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