Bothness and Boldness

Start from the beginning

"It means that if you were only a girl then you would be considered a proper lady now. And that most girls get that younger. But your better then just a girl your a boy as well." He explained and boasted. He hugged me then we continued with tea before he said. "You need a bath sweety. Can daddy pick your outfit?" My eyes went wide with excitement. I'd never had a parent there to pick my clothes before. I so nodded fast daddy stopped my head with his hands. "Go bathe."

Scrabbling to my feet I pulled out my trunk resizing it and asking Crashers to put my clothes in the closet. But leave the special one open. As soon as all the clothes were out of my trunk I reshrunk it and took it with me into the bathroom. Quickly drawing a bath I put mint and lavender soaps in and got in. By the time I was nearly done and in the process of washing my hair. Daddy came in looking at the floor he went to the counter and placed the clothes there. Then left never looking up.

When I got to the clothes I froze. Daddy had picked girly things. And there was a note. Harry I need you to trust not just me but all of us at least about wearing these clothes. If you feel your not ready that's okay I also picked a boy outfit. But just know anybody who hurts my son even with just words will have to face me. With love daddy. Taking a moment to deside I started to get dressed.

When I walked out both mommy and daddy were waiting for me. I walked over to the mirror. Looking at myself I frowned the scars were showing. I looked ugly. "Tic can you work your magic I asked quietly." Instantly she was there hiding the scars. Once she was done I looked up and smiled to myself. Now I looked pretty. I fashioned my hair into a braid. Then turned to mommy and daddy. Waiting to see what they thought.

"Beautiful baby. Simply beautiful." Daddy said while smiling at me. Mommy nodded. The outfit was a modest one that a girl might wear to a dueling class. But they said I was pretty so I believed them.

Then mommy took my hand and lead me from the room. I swallowed hard scared. Trying to turn and run for it when we started going down the stairs. But daddy spun me make around and encouraged me. "You can do this. You have lived in Gryffindor be brave baby. We believe in you." I gripped mommy's hand for support the rest of the way. Just outside the door to the dining room stood Draco. I hid behind mommy.

"Good morning mother, and sir. Is Harry up yet?" He asked when he noticed them. Daddy gently took me by the shoulders and guided me out. I blushed hard looking at my shoes. Hearing a small gasp I looked up. "Harry you look so pretty! Pansy is going to be so jealous." Draco rushed out. Suddenly grabbing my hand dragging me into the dinning room.

Internal panic aside I was glad he said I was pretty. When the others caught sight of me. Uncle smiled auntie didn't seem like it was of any difference. Barty was... Was he drooling? Blaise took gave me a once over pausing at my face and shrugged going back to breakfast. Pansy looked simply stared at me in shock. I gave a small shy wave of hello before running over to auntie and sitting next to him.

Mommy smacked the back of Barry's head on her way to sit. Causing him to jolt wipeing his face. He said something about getting the tests ready. As he bolted from the room followed only by daddy's glare. After breakfast I was to test out of first year curriculum.

I ate breakfast slowly nervous about everyone's reactions to me dressed like a girl. Right up until auntie asked who bought the clothes for me. I blinked as I saw uncle trying to wave me off from saying out of my peripheral vision. I smiled at auntie. "Uncle did but I think he has the attendant that took my measurements actually pick them. My favorite is the green skirt from the one time I was in the store. I really wanted to try it but I was to scared to ask and uncle desided he would have the girly stuff added to the shopping." I cheerily ranted. "I'm glad uncle did because I got to try them and I didn't have to be scared of what everyone would think. I was really scared to come down like this but daddy said that I should try to trust more because he is here to protect me and if anybody hurts me they answ...." I got cut off by a smiling auntie covering my mouth.

"Okay sweetie, how about I arrange for after potions tomorrow to take you to the shopping area here in Australia?" He asked in amusement. My eyes bugged out as he removed his hand.

I blinked unsure. "But is that aloud? There's no way it's safe. I'd be recognized. No it's ok there's always mail-order." I shook my head turning back to my food. When I was done I pulled out my history book. Reading it as I walked out. Never noticing the way they all looked very sad at me.

By the end of morning exams I had tested out of history arithmeticy and transfiguration during lunch I was tested by Lucius and Narcissa on french and politics. They had me arguing against a bill in french. They both smiled at me as I managed to succeed in convincing them against it. Then had me try to argue for the bill I had mild success at that. After lunch I tested on charms herbology and defense. During tea Barty tested me on my German. After tea I tested on meditation and potions with professor Snape. He smiled at me after the potions exam. Then told me to go talk to daddy. And I'd be given my results in the morning.

When I got to daddy's office the door was open so I walked in. But daddy wasn't there. Deciding he must have gone to supper after waiting a few minutes I left his office. When I got down to dinner I sat between mommy and Blaise. They were discussing the pros and cons of learning ancient Latin vs Bulgarian. So I joined in but was sad to see daddy wasn't here.

When everyone arrived except dady dinner was served. I turned to mommy and asked quietly. "Where's daddy at mommy?" She frowned at her chicken for a moment before looking at me with a forced smile.

"He'll be back in the morning baby. Eat up now or daddy will ground you from your catalogue collection." The room was silent but I gave an uneasy nod turning to my plate and starting in on my food. Deciding to ask after dinner.

After dinner Blaise distracted me from my goal by dragging me to the drawing room to color some more. I drew daddy and mommy. Then I drew uncle and auntie. When I started drawing a scene from my past Draco and Pansy came in talking about some belt. I was drawing Vernon yelling at me. When I was younger. When I had finished drawing I got up and sat next to Blaise. Who asked if I wanted to play snaps. Several hours later he lead me to the stairs. And I went straight to mommy's door.

When mommy opened the door. I asked to come in. When she opened the door a little wider I came in. "Mommy is daddy in trouble?" I asked nervously worried daddy might get hurt or worse caught.

"No he just had to go take care of something that he nearly forgot about needing to do is all Harry. No need to worry." She gave me a hug then lead me to my room giving me a pointed look pointing to the bed.

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