Chapter 22- Calming Her Fears

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"There's nothing wrong with sharing the same love of humor." I smirk, holding my arms out, "C'mere Y/NNN~"

I see the fear flash in her eyes for a second, like an unsure child. Her stutter increases, reflecting her anxiety,"Pap, I-I-I'm not s-s-sure if-if-if I-I-I can walk b-by m-m-my-myself yet."

'Aww.. My bro was right. It's always too adorable when she stutters like that..'

"Heh, I know you can. You used to do it all the time before. Hey, you get a free hug if you do~" I encourage her, staying in my spot.

"Aren't a-all hugs s-s-supposed to be free?"
"Hmm.. Well, I guess we can forget the hug then~"
"WHAT- nO, I S-S-StILL WanT a-a-a HuG!"

'So cute.'

"Come to me then! Don't worry about falling. I'll catch ya." I glance to our blaster, giving him a quick nod, "Slowly pull back from her but stay close just in case, 'kay?" It lets out a relaxed gruff, carefully obeying the direction.

Y/N was really scared at first, causing her to wobble and shriek every time she flinched. She keeps her hands held out in front of her as she whines, "I-I-I d-d-d-don't li-like this!"

"Beautiful, don't look at the ground. Just look at me." I chuckle, watching her. "I-I-I cAn'T!" She yells, frantic to get back to her bed. I let out a short exhale, grinning, "Y/N, you're stronger than you think. Y'know... Just imagine how special you'll feel when you get to walk down the isle."

She looks at me, smiling as tears fall down her cheeks, "That would be r-rare. Blue w-w-would insist to c-carry m-m-me at this p-point."

'It's true though-'

Blush makes its way onto my cheeks as I wheeze, "I bet you'd still feel special though." "H-Heck yeah.." She responds with a playful smirk, getting a bit more comfortable with her posture.

I hold out a hand to her once again, "It's only a few feet, N/N. You can do it..." Y/N stares at me for a little while, nervously biting her lip. However, she was able to convince herself, and then she slowly started to take a few steps.

"That's it.. That's it..! You're doing amazing." I cheer her on, seeing the smile grow on N/N's face as she got closer. Inch by inch, and step by step, she came closer to her goal. She did stumble and stagger a few times. But being my strong girl, she quickly reassessed her balance and continued pushing on.

She reaches out, intertwining her fingers with mine. Overjoyed, I swept her off her feet by grabbing her waist. I spin her around, "YOU DID IT!" "PApYrUs!" She shrieks, looking down at me with the most beautiful smile.

Without warning, her hands cup my cheeks and she leans forward, kissing me. Completely in love, I kiss back and pull her closer.

Yes, I know she's still trembling, her arms being the worst case for it. It's been a problem that she can't control, even when she falls asleep. Still, I don't mind it at all. In fact, I love to playfully tease her sometimes by squishing her in my arms or a blanket because she's just cold~

That's been our little excuse for it. We get more cuddles together, and it personally makes her feel less embarrassed about it. Although, one thing I do miss is that she can't really cook anymore. I don't want her accidentally burning or cutting herself.

We pull away after a moment, in which Y/N tightly embraces me, "I l-love you so much.. T-T-Thank you." "It's no problem, Beautiful. You did all the hard work yourself." I claim, pressing one or two gentle kisses on her neck.

She ends up giggling, because recently I found out that she's ticklish there. I softly laugh, nuzzling her, "I don't want to put you down." "Then d-don't." She states, wrapping her legs around me to better support herself.

I smirk, already knowing what to do. "Alright, I guess it's movie night." I say, walking out of her bedroom and into the kitchen. Y/N can't contain her excitement, "ARE WE GOING TO WATCH-" "Our movie? Of course~"

N/N squeals happily, and then gives a lingering kiss to my cheek. I just can't get over how perfect she is, and it's crazy enough to know that she's still mine.

Using blue magic, I slip the disc into the tv slot without having to actually touch it. As the tv renders it, I sit the both of us down on the couch.

"Hey Pap, you know those commercials that usually play at the beginning that we usually skip?"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Don't skip them this time."
"You'll see~"

I tilt my head, a little confused by her request.

'Why? Did she want to make a snack, maybe?'

Her smug expression definitely wasn't giving off that vibe. She stays seated in my lap, her hands moving up to caress my cheeks. Y/N leans forward and kisses me, but it was different from our usual ones. My soul started racing and immediately I felt addicted to her love, craving more.

'WhAt iS ThIS-'

Her body pressed up against mine, making my adrenaline pulse even more. I gently wrapping my arms around her, keeping her in a strong embrace. Our kiss went deeper and more passionate than the others, needing small breaks just so we could catch our breath. I never wanted the moment to end.

By the last few seconds of I guess what you would call us making out, the commercials stopped and our movie began.

Y/N, having a completely blushing face of victory, laughs before scooting off my lap, "That's why~"

(Writer~San: Everybody run, Y/N has evolved in the ways of flirting-)

My mind is on complete meltdown at this point because I'm so flustered. Is it just me feeling as hot as a volcano or did the room temperature go up just now? I just sit there in silence, glowing bright orange like some sort of lava lamp.

"Y/N." I bluntly call her. "Hm?" I turn to her slowly, "Why couldn't we do that more often?" The poor thing couldn't answer me, laughing her lungs out at my blank expression while getting crazy flustered at the same time.

New Purpose (US!Papyrus x Female!Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя