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⚠️Mentions of Child-trafficking and under-aged sex.⚠️

⚠️Child Abuse.⚠️


"I'm leaving." He started looking straight at Katsuki whose eyes slowly widened.

"W-what?! Auntie Inko is moving with you?! To where?! Y-you Can't!" Katsuki was already panicking and tearing up.

"No! That's not what I meant, Kacchan calm down!" Taking Katsuki's hands into his.

"S-so you're not l-leaving...?" Katsuki stuttered out looking at Izuku with teary eyes.

"No, I'm still leaving. But not moving." Izuku said while wiping the tears off of Katsuki's face. At this point, Katsuki was just confused. 

Izuku was leaving but not moving?

"I-I don't understand..?" Katsuki's confused gaze lingered on Izuku.

Izuku just sighed and looked back at Katsuki with serious eyes.

"I'm running away...and I want you to come with me."

Katsuki sat there wide-eyed for a while, his mouth agape. It felt like his brain was processing and was blank at the same time.

"W-when..?" Katsuki asked. They were the only words Katsuki could get out at the moment.


✩ End of Recap✩

Katsuki was overwhelmed. 

There were so many things going through his head and so many emotions he wanted to express.

But he decided to take the calmer route and ask questions before anything.

"W-where will we go?"

"Far away from here."

That wasn't a straight answer.

"Where will we stay Izu...?" Katsuki pressed on.

"Hotels, motels, anywhere we can."

"B-but we don't have any money?"

"I've been saving up and I'll take some from her."

Izuku had an undying look in his eye. A made-up mind that wouldn't be changing anytime soon.

Katsuki saw it. It was as bright as day. And he knew Izuku had no intention of letting Katsuki stay there.

But Katsuki was scared.

So many things could happen. So many things could go wrong. The overwhelming feeling of fear made him tremble where he was.

Izuku must have noticed Katsuki's fear because he pulled the blond boy closer to him and placed his face in his chest.

"Katsuki..." Izuku breathed out his name with desperation.

"What if it doesn't work?" The blond asked.

"It will."

"What if you get h-hurt?"

Katsuki pushes his face into Izuku's chest more.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine," Izuku reassures while petting Katsuki's head.

"I can't help but w-worry about you...!" Katsuki exclaims while pushing himself away slightly to look up at Izuku.

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