Kallen: Huh?

Lelouch: In that man's mind he's trying to turn Zero into a symbol for god. Going from there you can guess what actions he'll take. Besides he has a useful talent for manipulating information.

Meanwhile in Ikaruga construction

Tohdoh: All right. That just about does it. That only leaves the combat carrier. You're installing the Gawain's system onto the Ikaruga, aren't you?

Rakshata: I use the same on Shinkiro, too. The Gawain's main body was so damaged when we salvaged it from the sea.

Chiba: And what about the unit that sank with it?

Tohdoh: The one being called the Knight Gigafortress?

Rakshata: I tried to find out myself however...

Back to the building

Kallen: You seriously wanna take down the Chinese Federation's capital?

Lelouch: In such a way that we won't be viewed as invaders. If we overthrow the Luoyang, we clear a lot of conditions for defeating Britannia.

Kallen: He seems to be okay now. I don't know what was happening with him that time.

Lelouch: What is it?

But carelessly, Kallen fell and was on the floor, underneath there was Lelouch who was in a position to almost kiss Lelouch's lips.

Kallen: Tell me something, Lelouch. Why did you come back to us?

Lelouch: Kallen, when this is over, will you then return with me to Ashford. 'cause I'm...

But CC was there and with Akihito too

C.C: Tabasco?

Lelouch: How long have you two been there?

C.C: It needs Tabasco, but all we have is hot sesame oil. What should I do?

Akihito: well, your relationship was get into more. Progress!

Lelouch: I wouldn't know.

Kallen: I wouldn't neither.

Kaguya: Master Zero! Please come to the Ikaruga, hurry! We've got trouble!

In Ikaruga Bridge Deck

Lelouch: What!? A political marriage?

Kaguya: Yes. I received an invitation to the wedding through the Sumeragi Conglomerate. The bride to be is the empress, icon of the Chinese Federation. I'm her good friend that she wants me to attend.

Tohdoh: And the groom is to be the first prince of Britannia.

Rakshata: That one they call Odysseus.

Akihito: what the fuck? The child of Chinese Empress gonna married by adult Britannian prince?! What the fuck is this? Is he a pedophile?!

Rakshata: he's not a pedophile

Akihito: actually, he's an actual fuck!

Diethard: It's too soon to activate the plan we've setup. I didn't expect that the High Eunuchs would...

Lelouch: No. This is a Britannian plot!

Ohgi: What do we do under the circumstance?

Lelouch: The worst possible situation.

Lelouch: And I was going to move in and grab the empress before they had a chance to! I never imagine that mediocre man could act so quickly.

Meanwhile at the airport, a plane arrives and it turns out to be Avalon who brought Schneizel and his assistant Kanon, to the political wedding of Schneizel's brother, Odysseus.

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