Chapter 21

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Carrie and I pulled up in front of my parents' house and I sat there for a moment, not entirely sure what to do. I knew I needed to confront them for what happened, but I didn't know how. What do I say? How do I even bring the topic up? The worry of it all was causing a bubble of anxiety to bloom in my chest, one that threatened to make me lose the little bit of food I had managed to eat on the plane. Would they even admit it to me? Tell me the truth? Opening my bag, I pulled out the photo of Angela and me, the one from the day I was born. I was missing her more than ever and now knowing whom she really was to me made my heart clench in pain and loss.

"It's going to be okay honey." Carrie's voice was gentle as she spoke and I knew she was trying to reassure me. "You need to do this. You need to hear it from them, hear about why your dad made the choices he did, why that bi- woman who calls herself your mother did the things she did."

Knowing Carrie was right, I nodded. "Okay. I can... I can do this." I felt the nervous flutter in my stomach, the feeling that I was going to be sick, but I knew I had to do this, both for me and the memory of my dead mother.

Carrie reached over and squeezed my hand. "Yes you can. Because once you do this, you are going to go back to those men you left behind. You are going to confess everything to them and have your happily ever after. This is what you deserve."

Touched by her words, I reached over and hugged my friend. "Thank you. Thank you for being the best friend I could have ever asked for, for always being by my side."

Ruffling my hair, Carrie laughed. "Girl don't make me cry. My eye makeup is on point today and I don't need to mess it up." I opened the door and Carrie stopped me with a hand to my wrist. "Don't let her intimidate you. You have done nothing wrong. You hear me?"

"Okay. You're right." Giving her hand a squeeze, I exited the car then bent down. "Thanks Carrie."

"No problem honey. Call me when you're done and I'll come pick you up." Carrie gave me a last smile and I shut the door then turned to look at the house I had grown up in, the house that was only really a home when Angela was there, when my real mother was by my side. I made my way up the sidewalk to the front door, a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, knowing there were a couple of ways this could go.

Stopping in front of the massive wooden doors, I rang the bell, not wanting to walk right in since it felt nothing like home. The door opened to a stunned Erica, whose mouth dropped open before she cried out and pulled me into a hug. "Oh my god. We... we thought you were gone. No one has heard from you in days. Your father is heartbroken." The words spilled from her lips as the tears spilled from her eyes. I had never seen her this way before and the sight of the sweet maid crying over me made my heart shatter in my chest.

I returned the hug, wrapping my arms around her. "I'm so sorry Erica. I never meant to make anyone hurt like this. I swear. I just... I just needed to get out of here for awhile." Stepping back, I wiped the tears from her face with the sleeve of my shirt. "Are my pa... are they here?" At this point, I didn't even want to acknowledge that woman as my mother anymore since she wasn't in any sense of the word.

Erica nodded, using her apron to wipe her face. "Yeah. They're in the kitchen with your grandmother." Hesitating, Erica hugged me again. "Welcome back. Please... please don't do that to us again. Please don't disappear like that again."

Giving her a smile, I nodded my head. "I won't. Not like that." Releasing Erica, I headed down the hall into the kitchen, the sick feeling returning to the pit of my stomach. I pushed open the kitchen door, spotting my father right away. He was seated at the table, a faraway look in his eyes. My grandmother sat next to him, a sad smile on her face as she rubbed his arm comfortingly. He looked up at the sound, his eyes wide, sitting there in shock for a moment before he shoved his chair back, not caring that it clattered against the stone floor, the sound startling in the silent kitchen. He hurried over to me, wrapping me in hug, lifting me off my feet.

Not Your Everyday Fairytale (BTS x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant