Chapter 20

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"So this is the guest bedroom. It has its own bathroom and I just put fresh towels in there today, but if there is anything you need, let me know." Christian's voice was gentle as he showed me around the quaint cottage. It was a pretty vine covered one with a little garden that looked straight out of a fairy tale. He lived on the outskirts of a city close to two hours away from the guys, a nice quiet place that felt serene, a refreshing change from the bustle and noise of my own hometown. It reminded me of the guys' town in its simplicity, something that made my eyes sting with the burn of unshed tears.

"Thank you so much. You have no idea how much I appreciate this." I couldn't thank Christian enough for coming to get me.

Christian blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Don't worry about it. I'll... I'll leave you to get settled in." Giving me a last smile, he left the room, softly closing the door behind him.

Setting my bag down next to the dresser, I sat on the bed, thinking about my conversation with Jungkook. As much as I wanted to stay there with him, in his arms, letting him love me, I couldn't do it. Not only was there the problem with Jin, but I also needed to sort everything out with my father, let him and my grandmother know I was okay, that I was safe. I needed to confront my mother and Nicholas, let them know they no longer had any power over me, any control. I was going to make the decisions for my life from now on, not them.

As I sat there mulling over what happened, part of me couldn't believe it actually had. I was stunned that Jungkook had confessed to me the way he did. There had been no hesitation in his voice, no nervousness. His words had been clear and when he looked into my eyes, the truth of it all was written clearly. I had been so worried about getting my heart broken, but there was no denying the love on his face. It had been completely sincere, completely truthful and the honesty of it all had stunned me.

I had wanted to stay there with him, but I had explained to him that I couldn't do it. At least not yet. I needed to sort things out with my family first, at least with my father. I needed him to know that I was okay, that whatever horrible scenarios he had pictured in his mind had not been true. When I had said this to Jungkook, he had given me that same sweet smile. "I get it baby. I do. As much... as much as I want you to stay, I know there are things you need to do." His voice had been kind and compassionate, gentle and understanding. "I just... I just need to know that you will come back to me, come back to us."

I had wanted to promise him that I would, but I just couldn't make that promise, especially not knowing how Jin was feeling about the whole situation. Jin's hatred towards me could change everything. I had said as much to Jungkook, but he had just hugged me, pulling me close to his body.

"It's going to be okay. Jin? He doesn't hate you. He... he just doesn't know the whole story. All he saw was the persona you showed on television. He didn't allow himself to get to know the real you, the real you that we all adore so much." Jungkook had brushed my hair back from my face, the same tender look on his face. "Just trust me. Please."

Nodding my head, I had let myself be comforted, let myself lose myself in his arms, but I knew it couldn't last. I had already made Christian wait long enough and I had known he had to be growing impatient. Standing up, I had given Jungkook a sad smile and I had been able to see from the look on his face that he knew I was leaving. "I..." My voice had trailed off, as I hadn't been able to think of what to say.

"Just... just tell me you love me. That's all I need to hear, that's all I need to know. It will... it will give me the hope that you will come back." Jungkook's voice had been full of pleading as had stood up next to me. "Please."

Cupping his cheek, I had nodded my head. "Yes Jungkook. I love you. I love you."

Letting out a soft sound of distress, Jungkook had pulled me into his arms, hugging me tightly. "I love you. I love you. Please don't... don't let this be goodbye forever. Please."

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