Chapter 9

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After a nice dinner of baked ham, roasted potatoes and vegetables, along with fresh bread, followed by strawberry shortcake that I had made, I was sitting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee while Namjoon and Hoseok cleaned the kitchen. Although I had told them I would take care of it, the two of them insisted, telling me it was the least they could do after everything I've done for them. The sweet gesture made me smile and when they asked me to keep them company while they worked, I had only been too happy to agree. Hoseok had made me a cup of coffee and directed me to the kitchen table, which is where I was currently sitting.

Hoseok had tasked Namjoon with putting away the leftovers and washing the pots and silverware, encouraging him to stay from the more breakable plates and glasses. They worked together nicely, joking and laughing, including me in their conversations. The two had me constantly laughing with their good-natured ribbing of each other and it made me miss Carrie even more. I must have looked wistful because Hoseok put a hand on my shoulder, distracting me from my thoughts. "Are... are you okay? You seem a little... sad."

Not wanting to pull them into my problems, I just shrugged and forced a smile onto my face, hoping the astute happy man wouldn't be able to see right through it. "I'm alright. Just missing my best friend a little bit." As I spoke, I realized it was truer than I had expected. Although the circumstances we had met under were awkward and uncomfortable, Carrie was the best friend I ever had, a sweet person who made me feel extremely fortunate to have her in my life, by my side. Without her, I don't think I would have been able to escape the farce of an engagement and I would currently be married to the world's largest jerk.

Hoseok grinned, an understanding look on his face and in his pretty eyes. "Trust me. I understand how you feel. Right before we moved here, I hadn't seen these guys in more than a year." He gestured towards Namjoon, who nodded sadly. "I had taken some time to travel and ended up working at a bar somewhere in Costa Rica about three months after I left. Between travel prices and weather, I had ended up stuck there for the next nine months and it was hard. I had wanted to prove to my parents that I could make it without their help, without their money, and it... it backfired a little."

Wrapping an arm around Hoseok's shoulders, Namjoon gave him a reassuring smile. "No it didn't. You did a respectable job. You substantiated yourself and now we're all together again."

Namjoon's words confused me. Are... are they all dating? Is that why Jin hates me so much? Does he think I am going to try and steal one of them away? Is that what it is? I thought back to the three days I had been there. Had I done anything that would be deemed inappropriate like I was trying to move in on them? Except for the kisses on the cheek from Namjoon and Jimin, I didn't think so.

Hoseok must have seen the look on my face because he started laughing. "Not together like that. He just means that we're all here again." Moving away from Namjoon's arm, Hoseok turned back to the sink and picked up the glass he had been drying. "We are not dating."

Wiggling his eyebrows, Namjoon grinned rakishly at Hoseok. "We could if you would desire it as such."

Hoseok rolled his eyes then the other man punched lightly in the arm. "No thanks. I love you man, but not like that. You're not my type for one main reason." Hoseok looked down in the direction of Namjoon's lower body and I couldn't help but laugh out loud. Turning to me, Hoseok winked.

Namjoon looked stunned for a moment before joining in on the laughter. "Fair enough Hobi. It's the equivalent reason you're not my type either."

The guys continued to pick on each other as they finished cleaning the kitchen and I enjoyed watching their interactions. A quiet cough from behind me had me turning around to see Jungkook standing there, his hands twisting in front of him and his eyes wide. He took a deep breath then stepped towards me. "Um..." His voice was quiet and trailed off almost immediately, his cheeks turning a flaming red. He hurried over to Namjoon and whispered something in the other man's ear.

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