Chapter 8

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When the guys arrived home, I was just putting dinner on the table. I didn't want them to think that I expected them to serve me every night, so I wanted it to be ready when they came in. Hoseok came into the dining room, a bright smile on his face. "Oh my god! It smells so good in here!" I looked behind him and he pointed towards the stairs. "The others went to go wash up, but I wanted to come see you first." His eyes were bashful as he spoke and I wanted to reach over and pinch his cheek.

"Well, I'm happy you did." I waved a hand towards the stairs. "Now go wash up and come eat." Hoseok grinned and saluted me before leaving the room. He was only gone for a moment when Jimin came into the room.

The handsome red haired man looked down at his feet. "Um... thank you for cleaning up my room. It... it looks really nice."

"You're welcome. I'm happy to do it."

Jimin hesitated then hurried to my side, tugging me into a quick hug. He kissed my cheek then pulled away, stumbling backwards and landing on his butt on the floor. I reached out a hand to help him up and he took it but I could see he was embarrassed. "Um... can I sit by you at d-dinner?" His words were soft and I grinned at him.

"I would like that a lot." I hadn't had a chance to get to know Jimin yet, but I would like to. He didn't seem overly timid like Jungkook, just a little clumsy which seemed to make him more embarrassed than anything else.

Giving me a soft smile, Jimin hurried over to the chair that Hoseok had occupied the night before and pulled it out. He must have misjudged how far it was because when he went to sit down, he missed the chair and ended up on his butt on the floor again. His cheeks were a flaming red and I wanted to hug him and tell him it was okay, but he quickly sat down, keeping his eyes on the table.

The rest of the guys came in and Taehyung took up the same seat next to me. Hoseok seemed surprised to see Jimin in the chair and his eyes narrowed, but he said nothing and took Jimin's chair from the night before. When I sat next to Jimin, I reached over and gently squeezed his hand, smiling when he looked over at me in surprise. His eyes softened and he squeezed my hand back, a silent thank you for not laughing at him. I didn't miss the slight downturn of his plump lips when I released his hand, but when Namjoon said something to him, his smile returned.

I knew I had to be careful around these men. They were so extremely attractive that it would be too easy to get caught up in one of them, but I knew the last thing I needed was a one-night stand. Hell! Who says that they would even be interested in something like that?

After dinner, Taehyung helped me clean up the kitchen while the other guys went into the living room. I could hear muffled disagreements about what to do, but they seemed to come to a consensus and I heard the sounds of a movie beginning. When Taehyung and I joined them, I hesitated for a moment, not sure if they wanted me in there while they were enjoying their downtime. Hoseok looked up when I came in and grinned. "Here! Come sit by me. I saved you a seat."

Sure enough the seat between him and Jungkook was empty. I smiled and sat down, not missing the way Jungkook tensed when I was near him. I moved a bit closer to Hoseok to give the bashful guy his space.

Hoseok leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Please don't take it personal. Kook is shy around girls, well most people."

I nodded in understanding, but I wanted to tell him he didn't need to explain anything to me. This was their space. I was just a guest. As the movie played, my attention drifted and I looked around the room. Yoongi was asleep in a chair, having dozed off not even twenty minutes into the movie. Namjoon, Jin and Taehyung were seated on another sofa, their eyes on the movie. I studied them for a moment, not believing how handsome they were. Jin suddenly turned his gaze towards me and his eyes narrowed. I quickly turned away from him and focused on the red haired man sitting by my feet.

Not Your Everyday Fairytale (BTS x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz