Chapter 6

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Three hours later, I slumped down on a now sparkling clean kitchen chair. Over the last three hours, I had scrubbed the kitchen from top to bottom. I cleaned out cabinets and drawers, wiping them out and making sure they were tidy. After washing and drying the dishes, they were now put away in the clean cabinets. I scrubbed the fridge and threw away expired food and old leftovers that were starting to resemble a science experiment. I swept and mopped the floors, moving the stove and refrigerator to get behind them. I had been surprised that I had not encountered mice or other pests, considering the disgusting state of the kitchen, but I was definitely happy about that.

I had taken a momentary reprieve to switch the linens into the dryer and start a new load of wash. Since Namjoon had given me permission to enter his room, I had stripped his bed too and brought down his dirty clothes, putting them in the washer then switching them to the dryer. His room was just as messy as the rest of the house. There were books stacked everywhere, even though he had beautiful built in bookshelves. The trashcan next to his desk was overflowing with papers, tissues and other garbage so I emptied that quickly. I dusted the shelves then placed the books neatly upon them. Once his floor was clean, I ran the vacuum, clearing up what looked like years of dust.

Figuring the load of clothes would be dry, I made my way back into the basement and pulled the now fresh smelling linens from the dryer. I put them in the basket then switched the wet ones to the dryer. I reloaded the washer, happy to see the mountain of clothes get a little smaller. Taking the basket, I went back upstairs. Quickly making the bed in my temporary room, I took the rest of the blankets and folded them. Most of them had tags on them and I deposited them into the appropriate box. I grinned when most of them were marked YG. Clearly the sleepy man liked his blankets.

Once Namjoon's linens were washed and dried, I remade his bed, happy to see his room was now clean and tidy. Tomorrow while he was working, I would come in and wash the walls and clean his bathroom, but for now, at least he wouldn't suffocate from the dust. I would have liked to clean the rest of their bedrooms, but I wouldn't go into them unless I was given express permission.

I headed back down into the living room and started picking up the books, movies and other items scattered along the floors. Most of the books went into Namjoon's box. The video games were deposited into Jungkook's and the movies were split between Jimin and Hoseok. It was funny how little bits of their personalities were showing through. I noticed the same thing as I was sorting the laundry. Taehyung seemed to prefer fashionable clothes while Hoseok's were bright and cheerful. Yoongi's consisted of a lot of black, same as Jungkook, while Jin's were fit for a model. I could tell that Namjoon was a reader, Jungkook played video games and Yoongi liked his sleep. There were a couple of cookbooks with Jin's name so I assumed he was the resident cook. I was looking forward to getting to know them over the week and I was hoping they would give me a chance to do so.

Pulling a vacuum cleaner from the closet, I scrubbed it down first since it was covered in dust and cobwebs then ran it over the rugs in the living room. I used the hose attachment on the sofas, disgusted by the amount of crumbs that were covering the cushions. I continued picking up personal items and depositing them in the appropriate boxes.

When the living room was clean, I made my way towards the bathroom in the hallway. When I opened the door, I had to stop myself from gagging. It was clearly a house of men. Even though Namjoon had mentioned each bedroom had a bathroom, I could see that they used this one as well. It was a small space, consisting of only a toilet and sink, both of which were filthy. I held my breath as I cleaned the toilet, scrubbing away stains that I didn't want to attempt to identify then went to work on the sink. Once those were clean, I washed the floors, baseboards, and walls, ensuring the small room was clean from top to bottom.

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