Last Day Of School! (Pt.1)

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It's 7 am! Piper can hear her alarm ringing, and her eyes shoot open. Piper knew what today was... It is the last day of school before summer vacation!

Piper darted out of her bed excited for the last day of school, but then she looked back over at her bedsheets and saw they were wet. Piper knew she had wet herself whilst sleeping again. She took the bedsheets off and also put some clean pants on before heading downstairs.

Piper rushed into the laundry room and shoved her sheets into the washing machine hoping no one would see her, but then her mom, Emma, appeared behind her.

Emma confronted Piper and asked why she's putting her bedsheets in the washing machine for the third time in the same week. Piper quickly thought of a lie and told Emma that the sheets are just damp from all the sweat as it's summer now.

Emma bought Piper's lie and told her to put the ceiling fan on at night then as she walked out of the room. Piper was relieved that her mom didn't find out the truth of why her bed sheets were wet. Suddenly Emma poked her head back into the room and told Piper to not be late for school today. Piper told her mom she won't be and then asked her mom if she could cook pancakes for breakfast. Emma agreed to cook pancakes!

Piper sat down at the table as her mom served the pancakes. Piper's father, Jim, rushed into the room stressed as he was on his phone messaging someone. Piper asked her Dad if everything was okay, but Jim replied saying no and that Emma and himself needs to leave for a week to finalize a business deal. Emma asks when they need to leave and Jim responds with this evening.

Piper is mildly upset she won't get to see her parents for a week, but also a bit happy as she gets the chance to do whatever she wants. That all changes though when Emma tells Jim to go online and find a babysitter for Piper.

Piper responds to this annoyed and tells her Mom she doesn't need a babysitter, but Emma insists and tells Piper that a week is a long time, and she'll need someone more mature to take care of the house. Piper understands this and thinks it is probably for the better as she doesn't know how to take care of herself very well.

Piper then looks at the time and realizes she needs to leave for school, so she gets up and tells her parents she'll see them after school. Emma kisses Piper and tells her to have a great day, but Jim is still on his phone.

Piper arrives at her school and is excited to get this final day over with. She then spots her best friend, Megan, and rushes over to her. They hug each other and are both super excited about it being summer vacation. Megan asks if Piper has any plans for the week, so Piper reveals that her parents are going away and she needs a babysitter for the whole week. Megan says that sucks, but she invites Piper to her house in case she ever wants to stay for a night.

Piper then looks at her phone and reads a text from her Mom, saying that she has managed to get a babysitter for her. Piper sighs and tells Megan she'll try and come over to sleep one night. Kat struts past with her friends and tells Piper to keep her distance from Jake this summer, or she'll be in a world of pain during the Fall.

Megan asks Piper what that was about, and Piper tells Megan that she may have been messaging Jake a little bit last night, and it seems like Kat also has a liking towards him. Megan starts to get excited and tells Piper that all of it is big news and she should go on a date with Jake this summer. Piper tells Megan she'll think about it. The two girls then head to their class.

Piper sits through a boring day of classes at school. Just because it's the last day doesn't make the lessons better, but then she looks up at the clock and sees it is almost the end of the day. She stares down the clock hard as if she is trying to force it to go quicker. Suddenly the bell rings, an eruption of cheers go into the hallways, finally, it was summer...

Piper's in Diapers! (Season 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora