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Tears roll down Jungwoo's cheeks as he reads everything. 'Jaehyun, I love you too. I love you so much. Too much...'

'And don't be sad about your power Jae, because I've figured it out.'

'You kept seeing the word 'memories' didn't you? That was your power, you've passed your everything you've been through on to me. I have all your memories. It's honestly kind of weird seeing myself in your perpective. Your power was destined to be Jae, I know every single thing you've been through, every lie you told, every secret you've kept, every person you met... I can see it all now through your memories. I think this is meant to make me feel like you're still here with me. But even though you are living inside of me like this, it's not enough. You're not here anymore...'

Jungwoo sniffs and continues to talk to himself. 'What you wrote about me was so sweet. And I know you want me to take over your place and live on. But I'm not strong like you. I will never be. I will never be like you. And I will never be someone without you. I was actually pretty depressed and suicidal before meeting you. So when I went here and fell in love with you, you became my only reason to keep living. Now that you're gone, I don't see the point. I'm also sorry it had to end like this. I wanted to live long together with you.'

'Did you ever believe in ghosts Jae? I did... I believe in so many things, I believe that somewhere in another dimension maybe, or as a ghost even, you can hear me talking right now.', he says and walks over to the kitchen, opening a drawer and grabbing a knife.

'And if you can, just know I really love you Jae,', Jungwoo giggles a little with tears running down his cheeks. 'And I literally can't and won't live without you.'

'See you soon Jae... Let's make more great memories together in the afterworld.'

"Memories" -JaewooWhere stories live. Discover now