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It isn't long before they see him. But he's not alone...

Doyoung was about to yell Jungwoo's name before a hand quickly covers his mouth.

'It's the boss...', Ten whispers.

They all stare at the situation in shock and start to listen.

'You guys can stop hiding behind that corner now and come out. You've all got some explaining to do.', the boss doesn't sound all too happy.

'Yes boss.', they all answer in sync as they approach Jungwoo and the boss.

'What's this?', the boss says as he grabs the human boy by his neck and holds him close.

'Let go!', he yells. Jaehyun widens his eyes.

All the servants look at Jungwoo in shock. They're all pretty sure that that's it for Jungwoo.

'Hey boy. Do you have any idea who you're talking to?', Jaehyun throws the bold boy to the ground.

Jungwoo stands up slowly while massaging his neck.

'You didn't kill him?', Doyoung says in a confused manner.

'Well of course not, I wanna know why you guys kept him here in the first place.', the boss says.

'It might sound like a dumb reason but our instincts where telling us not to kill him when we tried.', the servant explains.

'Hmm. If your instincts where all strong enough to make you not kill a human, and even protect it from others, then there must be a good reason for it.'

The boss rubs his chin and starts to think. He snaps his fingers and points up. 'I'll keep him with me and take care of him for at least a week. If he hasn't been the slightest bit useful in that week, I'm killing him. And you guys wont get away with this and your little instinct.', Jaehyun makes clear.

'Uhm, can't you just send me back to my own world?', Jungwoo asks.

'You've got quite a big mouth for such a small, weak creature. One more word out of your mouth without my permission and I'm cooking you alive.', the boss says harshly.

Jungwoo makes a zip motion with his hand from the left to the right side of his mouth.

'All right servants, put your faith in this human because if he fails to be of any use this week, I'm punishing all of you. Now leave.'

'Yes boss.'

The servants all take their leave without objections.

Jungwoo taps the boss' shoulder to catch his attention.

Jaehyun averts his eyes towards the human who's pointing to somehwere.

He looks at where he's pointing to, which is the bathroom.

'Sure, I'll be waiting outside.', Jaehyun gives in.

"Memories" -JaewooWhere stories live. Discover now