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It's a few weeks later now, and the discoloring on Jungwoo's body has seemed to stop spreading.

No one has metioned it yet though, because you can never celebrate too early.

The project of changing the races' relationships is also going strong.

Every single mansion already has above 10 humans staying there.

Since Jaehyun is busy taking care of Jungwoo, he let Doyoung be a co-boss with him.

So whenever Jaehyun is busy, Doyoung is the one taking care of everything in the mansion, he also attends all the meetings for now.

There's also one demon who previously had no power, who now found their power, which is creating a portal between the demon- and human world, where humans and demons can go through without losing their memories at all. They also don't need to do any spells in order to go through the portals.

They also have the possibility to choose where they will end up when they move worlds.

Because of this, humans and demons have been moving worlds a lot more and getting to know eachother more and more in a short period of time.

Another demon with the power to copy another power, also makes a portal whenever anybody needs one.

Jungwoo and Jaehyun are both proud of the progress they're making.

Rosé's mansion has 12 humans staying already.

Suho's has 19, Nayeon has 25 and Namjoon has 17.

But Jaehyun's mansion is going the strongest, currently they're building a second mansion because 59 humans are already staying there.

Some of the regular demons' powers come in handy for the creation of the new mansion.

So those demons will receive a decent amount of money if they help with it.

A lot of trustworthy demons have also been going to the human world.

One human came here because rumors are spreading in the human world about the demons.

Exactly what Jaehyun planned.

Jungwoo is of course extremely proud of how far his boyfriend has come.

Many people have been visting him, since it's difficult for him to visit others.

Today was no different, Rosé and Jisoo have decided to visit Jaehyun's mansions.

'I wonder how it's going with the second building.', Jisoo says.

'Me too. I wonder who Jaehyun will choose as boss for there.', Rosé wonders.

'Wouldn't it be Doyoung?'

'I thought that too, but then who will be co-boss in the first mansion?'

"Memories" -JaewooWhere stories live. Discover now