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A week has passed. Jungwoo's legs haven't gotten better, except for the pain being gone.

He has been able to go places and have fun like before. But one thing will never be the same, his ability to walk.

Jaehyun has done his best to pamper and love Jungwoo unconditionally in this situation.

Their relationship has never been better.

'Jaehyun are you awake?', Jungwoo asks his sleeping boyfriend.

Jaehyun turns around to face Jungwoo. 'Mhm.', he mumbles.

'I have to go to the toilet...', Jungwoo whispers.

Jaehyun looks at the time. It's 3AM.

'Alright.', Jaehyun tiredly gets up and takes the wheelchair, he gently places Jungwoo in it and helps him do what he needs to do.

After that they go back to sleep.


It's finally morning and Jaehyun is the first to wake up.

He looks over at Jungwoo and sees that he's still sleeping.

He decides to leave him be and make breakfeast for himself, since it's still pretty early.

After finishing his meal he notices that Jungwoo has woken up.

'Goodmorning sunshine.', Jaehyun says as he cleans the table from before.

'Goodmorning.', Jungwoo says as he stretches.

'You hungry?', Jaehyun asks the boy.

Jungwoo nods. 'Are we eating together this time?', he asks since yesterday they didn't eat together since Jaehyun woke up early, like today.

'I just ate Jungwoo. I didn't want to wake you up.', Jaehyun says and walks to the fridge to prepare Jungwoo's breakfeast.

'Am I a burden to you?', Jungwoo suddenly asks.


'You heard me...'

'What on earth makes you think that?'

'It's just... You've been acting different. Yesterday you also didn't eat breakfeast with me like usual. You have been a bit distant too... Whenever we kiss, you break it before it turns into something deeper. THAT part of my body still works you know...', Jungwoo says sitting up.

'I just don't want to hurt you Jungwoo. And since you are hurt, I make sure you get enough rest. That's why I eat breakfeast before you do.', Jaehyun explains.

'But still... Our relationship is not the same as it was. I know it's only normal that it changed since you have to take care if me now. But that's all you do. Aside from taking care if me, you don't act the same you did before.'

"Memories" -JaewooWhere stories live. Discover now