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'Guys, I don't think we should be doing this...', Jungwoo says as the adrenaline finally starts kicking in.

'Don't be a wuss, Jungwoo. It's too late to turn back now.', his friend, Lucas says with a scared smile.

'He's right we've come this far. Might as well go on with it.', another friend, Mark, says.

They where all gathered in a circle with blue and purple candles burning inside of the circle of people.

This is how this friend group decided to spend their vacation. Testing out random spells and witchery.

This is the Ketsudan spell. (Fyi this spell doesn't actually exist irl)

It's where 5 people gather in a circle with a random mixture of blue and purple candles burning inside of the circle. Then they have to stand up, hold hands, close their eyes and chant out 'Accipe me ad arbitrium' 5 times in a row without opening their eyes.

If even one person opens their eyes the spell will fail and the one who ruined the spell will be punished by getting erased from this earth. At least that's what the myths all say.

If the spell is done succesfully, everyone will receive extreme luck for a month.

If nothing happens at all, that means something is wrong with the candles.

'It's probably not going to work.', Taeil claims.

'I hope so...', Jungwoo says.

'Alright let's start everyone.', Mark says, sounding surprisingly excited.

They all stand up and collide hands with eachother while closing their eyes.

'Has everyone closed their eyes?', Johnny asks.

Everyone gives him a positive response.

Johnny continues:'If that's the case then no one can open them until we finish the chant.'

'Can I step out? I don't wanna do this anymore.', Jungwoo let's his hand go from the others and opens his eyes.

'Jungwoo give ur hand back. Whatever you do, don't open your eyes.', Mark says with panick in his voice.

No response.

'Jungwoo?', Mark asks.

Everyone opens their eyes.

Everyone's eyes widen. Jungwoo is nowhere to be seen.

'There's no way...', Johnny whispers.

'Does anyone know how to get him back?', Lucas panicks.

Everyone shakes their head.



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