
"I'm here! Where do I go?" He asked and I stayed on the phone, leading him through the hospital

I couldn't help but smile at the memory from when Kat came, and I had to do the same thing.

I saw Sam walk in the room and I leapt out of my chair, hugging him. "Thank you!" I whispered and I felt him nod against me.

"Wouldn't want to be anywhere else Leigh" He grinned at me. "Believe it or not, I consider you a friend, and friends are there for friends" Sam gave me a side hug and I saw the magazine lady look at me, making me feel uncomfortable. Thankfully before we could even sit down, my name was called. "Leighton Fox?"

"Is it fine if my friend comes in?" I asked and she nodded.

She took my weight and Sam looked away, making me smile. We went through the routine stuff before walking into the room to do an ultrasound.

"This is your last ultrasound till 16 weeks" She said and I nodded.

I was kind of nervous to go a whole month without one, but I knew I was lucky to have had so many to begin with.

Now that I was going to go into the second trimester, they were going to be less frequent up until closer to my due date, and it honestly made me kind of nervous.

I knew I had more ultrasounds in my first trimester than normal moms did, which I was grateful for, especially since it was my first baby.

Usually your first ultrasound in your first trimester is anywhere between 8-12 weeks. Whereas I've had 2 or 3 in the first trimester. Usually if you have more frequent ultrasounds, there is a reason for it. Especially since there isn't much to see so early on.

"This is your first belly ultrasound" My nurse Emily, cheered and I blushed, glancing towards Sam.

"That's a good thing I guess. I don't really feel like taking off my pants in front of my non romantic friend" I laughed and she nodded, reaching for the gel.

"I completely understand! I will need you to unbutton your pants though" She said and I saw Sam smirk.

"Would you like me to look away Leighton?" He teased, and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up Sam" I grumbled, laying back to unbutton my pants to push them down a little.

"What does she mean that this is your first belly ultrasound?" Sam asked and Emily smirked.

"Up until today, Ms. Fox here has been having a tiny little camera shoved up inside her to see the little baby" Emily told him and I looked over to see Sam's face forming a look of shock, disgust and confusion making me laugh. "So how did you guys meet?" Emily, my favorite OBGYN nurse, asked before warning me that the gel might be cold.

"We're roommates actually. The father got stuck at work, so Sam offered to come" I told her and she nodded, plopping a little bit of the gel on my tummy.

"You have a tiny little bump!" She noted and I nodded, grinning, proud of my little bump.

"A bump? You have a bump?" Sam asked and I nodded, pointing at the little pudge that was a little bit bigger than yesterday.

"It doesn't look like a bump" Sam looked at me weirdly making me laugh.

"Thank you for being respectful but it definitely is a little fat pudge people call a bump. I'm proud of my little fat pudge" I grinned and Sam chuckled, shaking his head at me.

"Alright momma, ready to see your baby?" She asked and I nodded, turning to face the little monitor.

She moved the little wand around the gel, spreading it across my tummy. "Your baby's heart rate is perfect Leighton" Emily noted and I grinned, relief washing over me.

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