Chapter 21- Blue's Therapy

Start from the beginning

Both of them say a quick goodbye before walking out. I sigh and fall back into the soft comfort of my pillow.

I can't really explain how my emotions have been lately. During the quiet hours of the day, my mind goes blank, almost numb to reality. Most of the time, I'll just stare out the window for hours without realizing it. At night, I'm restless. Deep down, I know it's the feeling of laying there alone. There's something missing.

'I miss him.'

Would he be proud if he saw me now? I took the time to mend the broken friendship with his brother. Blue and I always speak of good times we had, and then we make new memories to remember too. Also, I made a resolve that I wouldn't give up.

'I've been broken, but I've also healed once before.'

I wish that I could tell them, how sorry I am.. I would do anything for that second chance. Both for my family and Papyrus. The last conversations ended on such bad terms, and I have to live with that for the rest of my life. I can't go back..

A constant reminder that I can't take these things for granted anymore. But I'll live my life because I know that's what they would've wanted for me. I hurriedly wipe away the tears already forming in my eyes.

'I love all of you, and I'll never forget that. Thank you, and I'm sorry...'

I flinch when Blue sprints into my room, "Y/N!!!! How'd the tests go?!" "Pff, the doctor s-s-said it w-went well." I answer with a smirk. "ThAt'S GReAt!!!!" He cheers, squishing me in a hug, "I knew you could do it!"

I scoff playfully, "It's not o-o-over yet." "You'll be home soon for sure! I, the magnificent Sans, am very confident in your abilities just like how I am always right!"

'Heh, might not be totally accurate about that last part. I'll let him have it though, since he has gotten me this far.'

"Oh! And I have good news! I brought you a gift to celebrate how well you've been progressing!" Blue shouts, having a wide and always adorable smile.

I arch my eyebrow, "Is it a stuffed animal from the gift shop to make up for that one time you dropped-" "ENOUGH TALKING HUMAN, YOU MUST OPEN IT!" Blueberry interrupts, making me laugh.

'You dropped me yesterday, and now you'll have to pay the price.... I will get him to admit it eventually.'

He places a small bone in my lap. It's neatly wrapped with blue wrapping paper with several silver stars printed on it. For the finishing touch, it's been tied off with a silver bow. (Writer~San: How would you know?! *dies laughing*)

'Wow, I can't wait to use this.. pFF-'

"O-Oh my gosh! It's b-beautiful! Thank you." I shakily reach out to Sans and give him a quick side hug. "Mweh heh heh! Human, you have to see what's inside first! .... Did you get X-ray vision from the car accident? Undyne has showed me a few human books that have true life stories like that." He gasps, stars in his eyes, "YoU'Re a SuPErheRo NoW?!"

I burst into a fit of giggles, "Unfortunately, no. I'm just complimenting how adorable the wrapping is." I reach towards the edge of the bow, but I have difficulty keeping my hand still.

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