Chapter : 16- Unwanted visitors

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3rd POV


While kenta was walking towards the route 24 , He noticed that there are people following him with the intentions of capturing him .One of them has the intention to hurt him . Kenta turned towards them showing no fear and without flinching

Kenta pov

Ah! A canon diverge , I guess Giovanni or one of his underlines sent a bunch of grunts for me. I count 4 in front of me and 7 in the bushes they are gonna try and ambush me huh.I hit the SOS(Sent a signal to league and oak) and record button on my Pokédex and called out my pikachu, Charmeleon and pidgeotto .I showed them to make the grunts think I only have them.

Well the SOS Signal is infact not for me . It's for the team rocket members .

"I can take you four on easily" they smirked sadistically. I instantly leaped my self away from the volley of attacks from the hidden bunch.

"[Do I look like rattata to you ]" Pikachu as usual is making memes .

" Sorry I meant I can take you 11 on easily." I released Mankey and beedrill

"guys these are pokemon abusers, hunters or at the very least trader. Go wild, just don't kill them"I commanded them

The abosolutly ferocious rage in Charmeleon eyes made his tail burst into flames. He had activated blaze.

"Charmeleon you can't let the rage control you. You are the master of yourself. Remember what I told you."I told him .

His eyes turned back to normal but the blaze was still active. It turns out that blaze will be very useful for power, and as the grunts have shown me, intimidation.

"[I will try my best master]" Charmeleon said .

It think my pokemon are traumatized and enraged by shitty sisters .Now they are out for blood . I need some fame not notoriety for now .

The 10 grunts released zubats, golbats, raticates, rattatas and a few grimmers. The one who seemed to be the leader released a crowbar and rhyhorn."Pidgeotto take on the crow bat, Dratini you support her. Mankey take on rhyhorn with Charmeleon. Pikachu take the grunts. I will take the others" they were confused by what I meant by the others.

"[I will try my best ,master ]"Dratini said .

It's sucks when only pokemon fight right . What kind of trainer and leader will be if I don't fight right .

That confusion turned to fear when I grabbed on a grunt and dislocated his shoulder and threw him onto the ground with a maniacal smile. Even I keep forgetting that I trained in martial arts when I was child .I mean what do you expect from a self-aware and planner .

"hey we have numbers on him and let's beat him. It can't be that hard" The leader said

I guess that's the admin . Hats off to his positivity .I want such fearless people to work for me .

Before they could even move. They felt much heavier, they felt an immeasurable pressure fall onto them. I instinctively used my aura to the full power and intimidated them. This also applied to the pokemon. The pokemon had instincts, these instincts told them to run away from this monster

.....What I am ....Why I am this awesome .....Do I really that amazing and talented ...I never knew that I am this powerful . Maybe I will train aura .This will be my focus .

Da I know a place , where I can full those goals.Never knew I am so great at aura power .

Ari had went into the air along with Crowbat, with Charmeleon throwing Flamethrower with deadly aim(thanks zubats of mount moon). The rhyhorn was being beaten into the ground by Mankey and Charmeleon said martial and elemental moves.

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