Chapter-15 : Others pov

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A/n : Let see what others were doing when kenta got his second badge and yes completed the gym in one day after healing his pokemon at pokemon centre . He is a straight to business

3rd pov

Ash captures Caterpie his first pokemon.Ash captures it and celebrates the capture of his first Pokémon, stating that this is the beginning of his journey to becoming a Pokémon Master. Ash attempts to show Misty his Poké Ball with Caterpie inside, although Misty is less than pleased due to her fear of bug Pokémon. After showing the Poké Ball to Pikachu, Ash releases Caterpie. Caterpie goes climbing onto Ash's shoulder but notices a scared Misty hiding behind a tree and runs over. Caterpie attempts to befriend Misty, but her fear leads to her hurting Caterpie's feelings, calling it 'disgusting'.

Misty decides to stick with Pikachu and then tells Ash that she hates bug Pokémon, carrots, and peppers. Ash then angrily tells Misty that he doesn't like the way she is hurting Caterpie's feelings. Caterpie then climbs onto Ash's shoulder and the two, along with Pikachu, leave Misty on her own in the forest. As Ash is walking away, Pikachu notices that Misty is following them. Ash and Misty argue once again, with Misty stating that she's following him to get the new bike he owes her. The two camp next to the same tree stump but continue arguing. After Ash and Misty fall asleep, Caterpie and Pikachu begin a conversation after looking up at the moon and the night sky. Caterpie tells Pikachu about its desire to evolve into a Butterfree, with one seen flying in the sky.

Caterpie quickly becomes depressed after looking at Misty and decides to sleep next to her in an attempt to become friends. Misty, after waking up, screams and wakes Ash and Pikachu up. Misty shouts at Caterpie to get inside its Poké Ball and, depressed, it does so. Ash and Pikachu attempt to make Caterpie feel better, as a Pidgeotto flies down and begins pecking the ground. Ash throws a Poké Ball but Pidgeotto bats it away with its wing, resulting in Misty telling Ash that he needs to battle Pidgeotto to weaken it before attempting to capture a Pokémon.

Ash then sends Caterpie to battle against Pidgeotto, with Misty and Pikachu being shocked and concerned for Caterpie's safety, due to Bug Pokémon's weakness against Flying types. Pidgeotto begins to attack Caterpie and gets the upper hand by using tackling it from out of the sky. Caterpie rolls up against a tree and Ash calls it back, resulting in Pidgeotto flying into the tree. Ash then sends Pikachu out and uses ThunderShock, which hits Pidgeotto. Ash throws a Poké Ball and captures Pidgeotto. A confident Ash attempts to impress Misty by saying that that is how a Pokémon Master works, but Misty angrily tells him that Pokémon trainers need to know strategy, which includes not sending a worm Pokémon against a bird Pokémon, as birds eat worms.


Pyro has currently defeated Brock after his 5th time . he lost many times but he didn't give up and defeated him

"you are the 3rd trainer to defeat me . the other two took 1 try to defeat me . but kenta is the one who defeated me flawlessly . no wonder professor oak sponsored him as young genius "Brock said casually

"wait till I beat him in a Pokemon battle. "Pyro said with the resolve of defeating him

<Mt moon >

Leaf is currently questing why there are very less people on my moon.

hearing the rumour about a ghost story in my moon from her friends made her legs shiver at the thought of it .

she wanted to prove that she is strong and independent woman to kenta but her mind had different ideas

She is scared shitless from the silence atmosphere from the Mt moon caused by a unknown person

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