Chapter 20- Old Wounds

Start from the beginning

My father turns himself around, pointing at my previous seat with an angered glare, "Y/N." "NO! I never wanted to go on this stupid trip!!! Mom's just going to get sick and we go home early without having fun just like she always does! She should just let me live my life!!! At least back home, I HaVE friEnDs ThAt WoN'T LEAVE! Stop trying to act like everything's okay all the time! If you're gonna die, JUST DIE!!!"

I was a little brat, but underneath I was just a scared little girl. All I knew was my mom and her condition. My dad constantly trying to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. Our family was so close to breaking under the pressure, and it was like using duct tape continuously to mend all the cracks.

That's when my mom and sibling screamed at the same time. With my dad being distracted with me, he never saw the eighteen-wheeler truck veering into our lane. We were in it's blind spot.

My dad hurriedly turned around and tried to honk the horn, but by then it was too late. I watched as the walls of the vehicles got closer, until they collided. The car made loud screeching sounds as the right walls on our car got crushed. The tires burned rubber with a loud screech and then a pop as they got caught underneath it. The front of the large truck bent and swung around, hitting the front end of our car.

I screamed as both myself and my younger self got thrown out through the side windows. Hitting the grass median after being thrown from a speeding vehicle was surely painful, especially for a young kid. I broke multiple bones and blacked out immediately the first time. Doctors said I was lucky to recover from it like I did.

Surprisingly, I couldn't feel it now. I tumbled and rolled a few times, hearing the sound of crushed metal grow even louder than the screams of my own family. I suddenly landed back onto the harsh asphalt and the sounds disappeared.

Tears already filling my eyes, I pushed myself up as soon as I got the strength, "NO!" I gasped. I had looked up, but the scenery has changed completely. Now, I'm in the middle of an intersection. On one side, my own car is upside down and crushed to the point of no return. Pieces of broken glass and entire chunks of metal litter the middle. Countless bystanders are running around the scene, screaming for others to call 911. Black smoke is basically pouring out of the front of my car.

That's when the memories suddenly flooded back.


I try to get up, but scream in agonizing pain as I hit the asphalt again. My legs, I can't move my legs. I know they're broken by this point, and I already know that I shouldn't look either.

I reach one arm in front of me, watching it shake and tremble like crazy as blood trickles from several open gashes in my skin. Glass shards are stuck in some of them, making me want to throw up.

Despite that, I do the same with the other arm, shakily grabbing onto the ground in front of me. With one motion, I pull myself forward. All my muscles filled with pain as I did so, sending a quite literal shocking message for me to stop. I don't, screaming and sobbing out with each breath as I drag myself back to the car.

As I get closer, I start calling out, "Papyrus! PAPYRUS!!!" I harshly push myself past my limits, my arms losing their color as I lose more blood.  I'm heaving at this rate, feeling as though my lungs are completely gone.

Finally, I reach his side of the car. The door has been completely ripped off, laying still on the other side of the road. I get closer and my cries become more desperate, "PAPYRUS, ARE YOU OKAY?!"

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