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The Expected Sad Ending


Author's POV

It was that night when Jimin was sipping on his chicken porridge, ignoring the presence of the other who also kept his mouth sealed ever since Jungkook left. You didn't have to ask what's wrong with them, you could literally feel the tension in the air. They may not create any sounds but oh, god knows they are battling each other in silence.

"Why did you accept it?" SeokJin is the first one to break the silence as he gazes at the other with an extremely angry yet disappointed stare at Jimin who signed at the question in return as he watched the younger take a deep breath. "What do you mean by that, hyung?" Jimin asked him back, acting as if he didn't know anything just to avoid answering his question as the older scoffed bitterly in return.

No, he doesn't have a problem if Jungkook wants to take Jimin out, he's rather happy but despite that; they both know how it would end and surely not a happy one. It's too obvious to deny!! Accept it or not, this story will end with either Jimin leaving the younger one like he once did or Jungkook leaving the other after knowing he's sick. And as a brother for both; SeokJin doesn't want that to happen at all.

"Oh, you know well what I'm implying to Jimin. You're being unfair to him and your heart." SeokJin declared, watching Jimin's facial expression turn from empty to sadness before he displayed a soft smile across his lips and looked at the older; trying so hard to act as if that word didn't hurt him; not knowing the action hit SeokJin right on the inside.

The older one doesn't need words to understand that Jimin is hurting inside, the eyes said literally nothing yet everything after all… but what could he do to make it better? He just hopes he knows about it sooner because if he does, Jimin might marry Jungkook and have tons of children already. SeokJin couldn't help but wonder if he knew this sooner… Would everything change now? Would Jimin be living with Jungkook now?

"Heart? Do I even have one, hyung? Because judging by the truth that I murdered my own mom, doesn't justify that I have one." Jimin scoffed bitterly, looking away from the older man as he glanced outside the window, looking at the building lights that decorated the city beautifully in the night. "First of all, you do have a heart. Second of all, no offense but she's not your mother, and even if she is; she certainly didn't deserve to be one." SeokJin snapped coldly, feeling guilty yet anger rising inside him by the topic of Jimin's mother.

The woman is really troublesome. Even after she's 7ft buried deep in the ground, he still disturbs Jimin and that was enough for SeokJin to hate her more than anyone could ever despise a person.

"If I have one, hyung… Where is it? Why couldn't I feel it? Why could I only feel empty inside?" The other raised a question, still not gazing away from the city. Something inside him aching the way SeokJin spat out the truth. Yes, it was unfair. He was clearly being selfish for not declining the proposal even after knowing this will end up painfully. But hey, it was just a matter of time before Jungkook realized that he doesn't love him for real and decided to leave him after; the younger one will get there eventually. And when the time comes, Jimin gladly backs away.

In simple terms, no one will get hurt.

Or that's what he convinced himself for over the past hours after the younger left.

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