"So you are all free." I said. He smiled and leaned his head back, "finally." I said starting to get up. "Aye aye calm down."I sad reaching over to he crutches he was giving. I handed them to him and grabbed his bag. "You need to change or anything?" "No I'm all good, just need to see Hotch." "Yeah I know I already told him." I said walking with him to Arron's room. I opened the door and let him walk in, "I'll just be outside the room." I said closing the door.


Reid's Pov

I walked into Hotchs room, and took a seat down. I looked over to Y/n as she spoke. "I'll just be outside the room." I nodded and watched the door close. I looked back over to Hotch, "how are you feeling." "Better, you?" "Same.." I said.

"So Y/n is staying with you" Hotch said. "Yeah, I offered since se told me what Foyet got a hold of."I said. Arron nodded. "Yeah. Would've asked her to say with me but it's not like my place is safe." Arron said.

"Thank you." I looked up to Arron. "Hotch there's no reason to thank me," I said "Reid I do have a question." I looked over to Hotch. "Is there anything going on between you two that I should know." I was caught off Guard, "I no sir ... we are just friends. I promise you that." I said. I didn't understand why people were asking me tha first it was Morgan then Garcia, and now Hotch?

"Okay, can I ask something of you aswell?" Hotch asked, I snapped out of my thought and looked over t him. "Yeah of corse." "Can you make sure she stays safe. She thinks she tough and she is but .....please" "I understand Hotch and I will." "Thank you again." He said. "No problem Hotch, get better." I said standing up. We said our goodbyes and I walked out of the room.

I opened the door and started to walk out, I saw Y/n get up from one of the seats In the hall. What Hotch said minutes ago flowed back into my mind, was there anything we do or sa around each other that seemed like there was something going on? We talk a lot together, hang outside of work? Isn't that just things normal people do. I looked over to her and saw her smiling towards me so I returned the smile.

"So you ready to get going?" She asked. I nodded and followed along beside her. We took the Elevator down and headed out towards the parking lot. I saw her car it's distance and headed with her, she put my things I the back seat and got in the drivers side. I opened the door and got into the passenger's side.

She started up the car and drove out of the parking lot. "Is there anywhere you need to stop before we get to your place?" I looked over to Y/n and spoke. "No I'm all good." She nodded


We pulled up to my building and she got out of the car, se took the things from the back of the car. "I can help." I said. "Oh no it's okay, you are letting me stay so at least let me help you out." She sad. I smiled and walked with her. "You know you don't have to do that." "I know, I want to." She said Walking inside.

It took a bit but I made it up the stairs to my floor, Once we reached my door I pulled out my keys and unlocked it. We made our way inside, "you have a nice place." She said. I remembered she's never seen my place before. "Thanks, I'm the room down the hall is where you can put your things. " I said, she nodded and walked over.

I made my way to the couch there and sat down, it was nice to be back home. I hate hospitals but mainly it's the smell but the jello is good... I reached over grabbing one of the books I had on the side table. I glazed along the the pages but soon I looked away from the hearing Y/n walking out.

I looked over and saw Y/n standing in the hallway, her hair was down. I've never seen her hair down before, she looked beautif- nice she looks nice. "Uh you look nice with your hair down ." I said.

Y/n Pov

"Oh, thanks... I don't really have it down a lot." I said walking over to him. "You should, it brings out you face more." Spencer said. "Hmm I'll think about it," I said smiling. "So what are you reading?" I asked seeing the book in his hand. "Oh Macbeth" " Shakespeare" I said, I never really liked his books. He was an amazing writer but I just couldn't enjoy any of it.


Reid's Pov

It's been about two days, the team hasent had any cases and Hotch was apparently getting out of the hospital today. I was up pretty early making food in the kitchen after the past few days I've learned how to get around better and more efficiently. As time passed I wondered where Y/n was, it was now almost 10.

I walked over to where her room was and knocked on the door, no answer. I got worried and opened up the door, the room was filled with files scattering on the floor. She was passed out in the middle of them. I walked over and soon saw the photos, they were the files in Foyet. I walked up to her and leaned down, she was passed out. Was she up all night?

She was rather small and from when we first had a case I remembered her being fairly light. I put my arms underneath her and picked her up, it took me a second because of my leg but I slowly Made my way to the bed. I laid her down. And pulled the covers over her, she looked so clam when she was asleep... not stressed or overwhelmed.

I started to head out when I heard her speak. "Spencer??" I looked over seeing her sitting up. "Morning." "What time is it?" "It's 10:13 " "oh I have to get Arron fro-" "hey No how late we're you up till?" "Idk like 7 ish maybe?" "Yeah no you are sleeping," I said "what? Why I'm fine." "No the Average person needs 7 to 9 hours asleep... I'll call Emily to go pick him up. You are sleeping."

She gave me a look, "hey no, don't you look at me like that. Now sleep." I said looking at her. "Fine but only because I'm tried." She said rolling over. I nodded and grabbed my crutch walking out of her room. I pulled out my cellphone and called Emily.

"Prentiss." "Hey Emily it's me." "Hey Spencer is everything okay?" "Yeah everything is fin, could you pick up Hotch from the hospital? He gets out today, Y/n was going to pick him up but she's been exhausting herself over the Foyet case...." "Oh yeah of corse I can head over there right now... is she okay?" Emily asked .

"She's okay, just with all of everything that's going on ... it's taking a toll on her a lot." I said looking back to her room. "Yeah I wouldn't doubt that at all." "Yeah." "Spencer there's just something I have to ask" "yeah?" "Is there something going on between you and Y/n?" I stopped where I was.

"Why is everyone asking me that??" I said. "I don't know who else asked but it just from what I've seen in the past while." "What do you mean?" "It's not much but it's just the way you two look at each other. And talk with each other. Just your overall mood around each other seems brighter." I throught for a second "it's becuase we're friends." "Spencer don't you think there could be any way or form that you could like her more then just a friend?... anyways I'm at the hospital now I'll see you soon at work." "Okay bye." "Bye" I hung up.

I sat down on the couch and thought about Emilys words to me, 'Spencer don't you think there could be any way shape or form that you could like her more than a friend.' I don't like her more the friend and neither dose she. I thought to myself sitting down. I don't like her like that.... Do I?


Shit bro that was a long one... it's slowly coming together now

Please comment and vote!! really helps me out a lot and I'd love to hear your ideas!

Lots of love and hope you all have a great Day/Night/Afternoon!!!

2277 words

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