"Hey, ankle-biter is growing the chompers!" Antonio yelled causing Zuri to come around the corner.

What the hell?! What, is he southern now?! The chompers? Ankle biter?

I pushed Antonio again causing Isaiah to laugh and Zuri saw his little teeth.

"Oh my gosh! You are growing teeth, little man!" Zuri said as she picked him up. I laughed and left the kitchen to find Enzo, he was in his office going over stuff with Raven.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked Enzo. He nodded "yes" and signaled for Raven to leave, he left and shut the door causing me to go over to Enzo.

"What is it?" he asked me while pulling me onto his lap.

"The mission that I had is coming up soon, I need to leave by tomorrow," I said to him. He hummed and looked away from me to continue doing his work, I slapped his chest and he groaned before looking at me.

"Really! I just told you something important and you are ignoring me?!" I yelled at him. He sighed before bouncing his leg.
"I'm leaving tomorrow, I'll be back in three months," I stated before getting up, he grabbed my arm and sighed.

"It's true, you have to...we don't have enough men to substitute in for you because of a war. So yes, you will be going," he said. I sighed and sat back on his lap to hug him.
"You're going to miss me," I stated with a smile.
"So fucking much, amore!" he let out before connecting our lips.

"If I call you, you answer-

"Yeah, I know-

"No, because you be on that bullshit when you're pissed! Now, you will answer my call or text when I send them, understood?" He asked me.

"Yup, understood, Capo!"


Three months later- 😁surprise!

I walked down the hall of the compound and Micheal was cleaning out his room.

"Hey, kid." He said to me and I rolled my eyes at the nickname he had for me. I looked at his room to see he switched it around.
"I am not a kid, kid." I said and went to sit on his bed with a sigh.

"How bad is it? Are you hurting?" He asked and sat beside me. Kristoff ran in with a toy in his mouth, and I gave a disgusted look as he drooled onto the floor.

I rubbed my stomach and groaned.

"I'm four months pregnant and all I have been doing is throwing up. Of course, Im hurting!" I yelled at him and he raised his hands up in surrender. I rubbed my belly and smiled.

Two months ago I found out I was pregnant. Jess and Micheal took me to the doctor after my mission to get me checked up. When I figured out I was pregnant the first thing I wanted to do was tell Enzo, but I couldn't. I was scared of how he was going to to take it, and when I tried to get into contact with him he wouldn't answer. I have to finish up this mission, then I can go back to the estate. I have to tell him in person.

"Capo has been so fucking busy and bossy. We lost three hundred of our men because of him and all of these missions we've been going on." Micheal said and rubbed my tummy. I sighed.

Kidnapped in ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now