When he turned back around, he threw his hands up, "Well don't just stand there with your thumbs up your asses! Find it!!"

    "Yes sir!"

    He shook his head and I felt my heart racing. I was going insane, watching Jimin and Yoongi being pushed into the back of a truck. They looked just as hopeless as I felt. I was running out of time, everything was slipping through my fingers. Right in front of my eyes.

      A part of me that I didn't want to acknowledge wanted to stay put. A small, small part of me knew if I just kept quiet then maybe, just maybe, I could escape. But what's the point in that? The people in those trucks, they were my whole world. My whole reason for living.

      I focused everything I had into attacking the eye patch man by surprise. I calmed my breathing, my heartbeat, and focused my hearing. He would have to turn around and look the other way at some point. Once he did then I could circle him from behind. As long as I didn't make too much noise in the snow-

      "I know where you are now, wolf. Just give it up. Your "pack" is all locked up, and you have nowhere to escape to my friend. Come out now, and maybe we'll show you some mercy." Right.

      Of course, I stayed put, still waiting for the right moment to attack. The man sighed and shook his head, "I warned you. Now things have to get ugly." He turned his back, and I wasted no time. I started running towards him, when I felt a presence to my left.

     I ran faster, knowing that someone was aiming a gun at me. All the while, he reached for the passenger door where Jae was. He was going to try to shield himself by putting her in front of me, but it wasn't going to work. I was going to kill him. Then this nightmare would be over. I would rescue all of my pack. Jae and all seven of us would be happy again.

    I let out a snarl as I heard a trigger click near me and I managed to dodge a tranquilizer dart. I willed my legs to move even faster through the snow, even though they were burning from exhaustion. I was almost there.

     Almost there. Almost...

Then everything stopped. I stopped running. I stopped thinking. I stopped breathing. Time was frozen as the man pulled something out of the truck that I didn't expect. He didn't even reach for Jae. In his hands, he held a bunny. A bunny with a broken neck. A bunny that looked exactly like Jungkook.

     No...no no...no Jungkook was in a cage in the back...he was. I saw him...I saw... I saw Jin and Hobi and...

     I started to hyperventilate as I realized that I never saw Jungkook in the back with them. I only assumed he had been with them. No...please...god no... Everything was spinning, and I didn't even feel the dart that was now in my side.

     The man carelessly threw the small corpse back in the truck, and started walking towards me. I wanted to sink my teeth into his face, his neck; I wanted to rip him apart, limb from limb, but I couldn't move. I couldn't think. I was numb. He's not gone. He's in the truck. He's fine. He's not...

      Just as my vision was starting to fail, the eyepatch man approached me. All I saw were his black boots, and the sound of him chuckling, before all the white and red snow around me faded to black.


    My body instantly felt extraordinarily heavy when I woke up. Like it had been fixed in one position for a while. I felt so groggy, it took some effort to open my eyes. My ears immediately heard the sound of rattling chains, and the familiar voices of some of my packmates. "Joon. Oh thank god. Guys, he's finally waking up."

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