Clicking was able to be heard over the phone till Garcia spoke up. "I have a chad brown and he's a former employee at the book front." "That's gotta be him." Morgan said. " totally going to the doctor program on and off for five years it's on a steady job, slapped on a restraining order from his former girlfriend. As well as being arrested twice for protest rallies in DC. I'll call Hotch now." Garcia Said.

"Okay guys you did really good now get the hell out of there." Morgan said "bye" Reid said hanging up. My coughing became worse, "Dr Hotchner." I tried to stop and looked up to Linda, " you said the cure would be something that we wouldn't suspect what about Dr. Nicolas Inhaler. " "that could be it" Spencer spoke up. "Alright good now let's get you tow out of here. Linda said.


Reid and I stood there in a plastic covered out door room being sprayed down with hoses. Morgan stood on the other side talking with Arron.  He soon hung up and walked over, " go check it out Brown's house." "Go help Hotch." Reid said. "They are okay." "No go help."I said over to him." "I'm going to be seeing you guys of the hospital" Morgan said. I let out another cough looking over to Reid.

"We're going to be getting naked so they can scrub us down." Reid said. "Yeah do you really want to see that?" I asked coughing a bit. "I'll check on you two later." Morgan said. "Take care of them. Please" he said toward Linda before leaving.

Linda came over and handed the inhaler to one of the people there, "get this to the lab" she said. "I really hope your right about this." She said to me." So do I." I replied. She quickly looked over to Reid, "Dr Reid did you cut your hand??" She asked, his eyes widened. "Okay we need to do this as quickly as we can." Linda said. Person came in for Reid to get scrubbed and Linda stood with me.

I started to take off my clothing till I was fully naked. They took our Clothing away and stared to scrub us down. I hated it so much, the cold water on my body. I closed my eyes and covered up my vest by crossing my arms. A coughed rather harshly and heard a light gasp. I looked to Linda looking at me.

I reached up and touched my mouth, I pulled my head back and saw it was covered in blood. She quickly finished up and gave my a towel. I wrapped myself up and turned around to se Reid wrapping a town around his waist. "Do you think this would be a better ice breaker?" I asked. We both laughed but soon turned into a cough.

Once we were dry we we're given some scrubs to change into. They rushed us up to an ambulance. "We only have one stretcher." "give it to Reid I can sit. No you can have it". Reid did coughing. "Your worse then be lay down." I said.

He complied and laid down I slowly got in and leaned my head back as we started to drive. "How do you two feel?" Linda asked "I'm okay" I mumbled. Reid looked over. "Other year emy throat hurts I feel... I feel fin... feel.." I looked over to Reid in worry. "Driver faster!" Linda said, "Spencer clam down it will be some de me ." I stopped." See some me de me fee." Linda looked at me worry. " faster!" She said as I kept coughing blood fell down from my mouth.

Once we arrived at the hospital, they took Reid out and rushed him in. I slowly walked out but before I could make it out I help my legs go limb. " sim le Kim de." Help me. "Sim le Kim de." Help me. Some one caught me and put me on a stretcher. None of them Could understand me, i ci tongued to cough on the way in. They took me to a room and set up monitors.

"Give her some morphine." I heard someone say. No ... no medication. Do drugs no no no. I
"Fim sim noin Kim lim!" I said as they brought the needle over. Linda stoped and looked at my arm are small scabs and scars were, she made eye contact with me and with our Exchange she knew. She pulled the needle away, I wanted to say thank you hug I couldn't speak. I couldn't hear I ... i.... Can't see. I blacked out.


My eyes slowly opened and looked around, I saw Derek sitting in a seat by another bed talking with someone, I looked up a bit more and saw Spencer. I slowly started to get up, "Y/n" Derek said getting up. "I'll be right back" he said Leaving. "How are you feeling?" I looked over seeing Reid ."Better. You?" "Same"

I looked down at my arm then looked over as Linda walked in, "hey how are you feeling" "better." I said as she walked closer. "Did you??" "No." I sighed in relief. "Thank you." She nodded. "You both are doing fine for within the next little bit you can get you things and go home.

She left an fight after Derek's phone rang. "Hello?... mhm okay I'll be right down." Hotch is here I'm going to go grab him." Reid and I nodded as he left. I sat up a bit more and looked over to the wall. "Does Hotch know?" I turned my glaze to face his, "what?" "Does Hotch know?" "I don't know what youre talking about."

"It's fine I had the same problem..." I looked over. " how did you know???" I asked, "form when you were in the hospital when you got shot in the leg."I nodded looking down to my arms. "No one knows ... we'll I guess you but can we keep it that way?" I asked looking to him. "Yeah for now. But you should tell hotch some time." Reid said soon stopping as the door opened. In walked Arron and he quickly walked over hugging me, "how are you?" "I'm the best I can be."


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Lots of love and hope you all have a great Day/Night/Afternoon!!!

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