f o u r

143 12 20

*mature content in this chapter*

August 24, 2021

"That was a long ass week huh" Ken says while he wraps his arms around my neck.

Let's just recap..

I find out my crazy ass ex transferred to my school. I'm forced to keep my relationship with Ken on the DL a while longer because I don't want to stir any problems between him and Cam..let alone all of us.

I first set some ground rules..

As I was walking Ken to class after lunch on Monday, I pulled him into a duck away spot so I could feel his lips again. I was so happy to not have a single class period with Cam, well so far.

Ken then headed into class. Is is wrong that I see him as mines already? I mean we never popped the question, but I like it that way, it's feels like a natural relationship.

I smile to myself at the thought as I walk into my 5th period. Before I turn around to leave, she calls me.

"Kris can we just talk. That's all I want, is closure.." She says in a soft tone just enough for me to hear as the class floods in.

Mrs.Rayburn already set us for work so everyone dispersed into their groups of 2.
I let my normal partner off so I can talk with Cam. Not that I want to.

Don't get me wrong, we dated all summer. It's just I didn't want to lead her on any longer as I got further in finding myself. Thanks to that guy..he saved me and her the trouble, just i thought.


"Look" she pauses before she speaks, "I had real feelings for what we had Kane..Y-You just broke up with me over a text..?" She asks that rhetorical question as her voice begins to shake.

I feel bad still, "I know I got myself in too deep with you Mela, but i'm gay honestly. I had found my truth and accepted it, so can you do the same" I knew it would crush her heart if I said it how I rehearsed in my head.

"But you were my first love...I just cant let go of that-"

Lie! Bitch you confessed you had 4 bodies before me! BEFORE HIGH SCHOOL!

I calm myself on the cool as I breathe out slowly before responding. "So you be ok if I messed around with guys or even formed relationships with them..while with you?" I ask her seriously with a normal face.

"No but-"

"Hmm like i thought," I interrupted her.

"Is there somebody else..a nigga inna picture?"

I take a gulp before telling her. I know from personal experience that this girl got mad anger issues.


"Then why can't I have you back until then?"

"i'm not attracted to you anymore" I say harshly. I know that sentence broke her, but it needed to be done.

She sits there in silence for a moment but not once did we break eye contact. She needed to know I was serious.

"Ok Kris. I'll give you your space."

"Thank you..and privacy too, ion want no drama in my friend group" I say sternly.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Uhn Uhn, I said what I said" I deadpan at her again and she purses her lips shut. "Now chill and let's do this work" I say as i begin writing.

Now you see..I'm loyal to my nigga, well soon-to-be nigga. At this moment I thought all was good but oh boy was I wrong.

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