"I don't know what you are talking about. Now get out of my house!" I scream running at them and pushing the one who threw me in the wall. Since he was surprised I was able to pin him and I snapped his neck with no trouble at all. I turned to the other; he looks at me with a scared face and then runs out of the house faster than I could even imagine. I smiled slightly to myself.

I walk upstairs going to each and every room not finding him. I go into our bedroom closet opening the door and find him just sitting there playing games on his phone

"The closet?" I asked laughing a bit. He looked at me a bit startled and smiles. I give him my hand and help him up

"Yeah, I figured I needed to be safe and well I had my phone so thought I'd entertain myself" He explained with a huge smile on the whole time. I smiled in return and pecked him on the lips.

"I'm sorry to do this, but I've gotta go back home." I told him sadly. I didn't want to leave him, but I had to tell my family about what just happened. He turns to me sadly.

"Are you sure?" He asks. I nod

"The guys who came started talking about a cure and I feel like I've heard something like that from Carlisle, but I could be mistaken. I do need to get to the bottom of this because there could be more and that would be dangerous for all of us. Humans, Vampires and Quileute's. " He nodded understandingly. Yes, we both wanted to be with each other at the moment, but we also both have duties to keep to and those come before anything even relationships. Well everyone believes it except of course stupid Edward. I can't believe he is marrying Bella, like ew gross. Puke.

I kiss Seth and run out not looking back and walk vampire speed to my car.

"Whoa you're back early" Emmett said as I slammed the keys down on the wooden kitchen table

"We need to have a family meeting. Now" I tell Esme and she nods going upstairs to get my dad. He comes down and everyone gathers in the living room; Emmett, Jasper, Alice, Rose, and my parents, Edward was with Bella of course.

"What's wrong, Lacey?" My dad asked

"We were at the house and Seth and I were busy." I started and I heard Emmett chuckle

"Yeah they were totally busy" HE said I said nothing but smirked and everybody laughed even my parents.

"Then we both started to smell a vampire. I made him go upstairs because he was no help being human and I wasn't gonna let him phase in the house. So I attacked one pinning him against the wall and I was thrown into the lamp hitting the wall as well. They talked about the cure well more like asked and demanded for it. I had no idea what they were talking about I killed one and the other ran. They must've been nomads" I explained.

"Nomads wouldn't have done that" Alice said and everyone agreed.

"Well I don't know" I answered truthfully.

We all turned to Carlisle looking at what his thoughts were. He stood up and started to pace around the room

"Carlisle, what is it?" Jasper asked standing up from the couch.

"The cure they've said its always been just a mythical legend. That it does not exist." He told us. We looked at each other confused we had no clue what he was talking about.

"Dad" I said going next to him. "What is it?" I asked.

"Alice go get your laptop" He said. Within seconds she was back downstairs with her laptop in her hands. She set it down on the glass coffee table. We all sat back down in our places and waited for the next words that were going to come out of my father's mouth.

After a couple of minutes he put the laptop back so we could all take a look at the page and each read it.

The Cure a mythical legend said to cure any Vampire of their immortality. Making them becoming human and resurrecting them back into life. It has been said that it can be taken in three doses meaning that each dosage will help relieve their immortality. The more doses you take the less immortal you become. Nobody knows whether this legend is true and if it is whether it'll actually work or not, but Vampires have been searching for it for decades.

Once all of us read it we were all quiet we didn't know what to say to one another. What if this legend was true? What if we can be human again?

I Began to think back to my old human life how horrible and torturous It was how much I was hurt all the time. I blinked and came back to reality

"What do we do?" I asked finally speaking up because I could no longer stand the silence that was going throughout the entire room.

"I don't know. There's a map that is supposed to help lead us towards the cure" Alice said.

"What if it's true and we do get it? Who is going to take them?" Jasper asked

"I think Lacey should get it and let her decide what she wants to do with the cure." Rose says and I say nothing just then the "lovely" couple walks in

"What's going on?" Edward asks and we explain to him what is going on.

"I don't think that's fair." Edward says and I roll my eyes.

"Of course it's never fair if it has nothing to do with you or Bella" I argued. He just glared at me

"I'm just saying let's think of this logically about it"

"It's going to Lacey" I heard Emmett say and everybody else agreed

"Really, guys?" I asked and they all nodded. My two sisters appeared next to me holding each shoulder of mine

"Lace, you deserve it. You have an imprint who won't want to phase forever. So if it is true and we do find The Cure you get to take it" Alice said

"Yes, you have helped us all so much you deserve it the most" Rose added. I heard a sigh and then the front door slammed shut and I knew Edward left with Bella pissed as hell

Imprinted on the Enemy (Seth Clearwater Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now