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Zoey Nyssa

The rest of the day we spend following each other around like magnets. Everywhere I went Cryus was right behind me and vice versa. Any time we spent apart made it feel like we had been separated for days, this made me wonder how bad this was actually going to get since I was only a few weeks into this pregnancy thing. Alana says that at some point Cryus being near me wasn't going to be enough to make things calm down but for the moment it was good enough. Aside from the bond being weird with us I didn't feel any different. The only thing I noticed was how tired I was becoming throughout the day but that could've been from the lack of sleep I had gotten last night. Cyrus however, is treating me like a porcelain doll. I have to admit it's sweet but that he's trying to make things easier for me, but it's a little much especially for the first full day of us knowing.

We sat in the lounge watching a movie with Lexy and some of the younger kids. Cyrus had pulled my legs into his lap and covered us in a blanket. I sighed in content and rested my head on his shoulder.

    "You alright?"

    Yeah. Just comfy.

I saw a smile form on his face. "Don't go falling asleep on me, you'll miss the movie."

This made me giggle quietly. After a few moments of sitting like this my eyes started to close and the next thing I knew, Cyrus was gently shaking me awake. He had slid down more on the couch so I was laying down more instead of sitting and he had both arms wrapped around me instead of just the one like before. I sat up slightly and noticed that the movie was over and we were alone in the lounge.

    "Hey sweetheart," he said quietly.

    "Where is everyone?" I asked, looking around the room.

    "They all went to bed," he laughed, brushing my hair out of my face. "Something you should probably do."

    "Why'd you let me fall asleep?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes.

    "Because you're exhausted and didn't sleep much last night."

    "Yeah, but what time is it?"

    "Almost midnight," he whispered.

    "Oh my god Cyrus, your meeting. You were supposed to meet them at sundown," I said, starting to get up. I felt a dizzy sensation in my head from moving too fast causing me to stumble over the blankets. Luckily before I could get very far he grabbed my hands and pulled me back down to the couch.

    "Zoey, it's okay. Isaac suggested we go later so it's dark when we meet. That's why I woke you up because I'm going to have to leave soon. I didn't want to leave without you knowing."

I sighed and nodded as I leaned forward into his chest. I felt him laugh slightly then wrap his arms around me.

    "Come on. Let's get you to bed," he said after a moment.

Before I could argue against getting up he had shifted so he could stand and offered his hand to me. Once I took it he led me down the hallway to our room. I quickly walked over to the bed and sat down.

    "Get some rest okay? I'll be back in the morning," he said, walking over to kiss my forehead.

    "What about you?" Since he knew that I didn't sleep last night he must not have either and now he's going to be up all night again.

    "I fell asleep watching the movie earlier too," he admitted. "I'll be okay." With that he placed a quick kiss on my lips and walked to the door. He stopped to turn around to look at me before leaving. "No shutting me out tonight okay?" He said smirking and pointing a finger in my direction. "I want to make sure you sleep."

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