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Zoey Nyssa

After our little moment in the hallway Cyrus led me back into the kitchen where the rest of the pack was. I scanned the room for Isaac but he wasn't there. I looked at Cyrus who nodded his head over to a table with two seats left.

    "Isaac should be back soon with the rest of the wolves. Until then I'll introduce you to some of the pack." He shouted over the music.

The table he led me towards had a woman sitting there who looked familiar. She smiled as we sat down.

    "Well would you look at who's good as new." She laughed looking at me.

I smiled and nodded. "It's Alana right?" I asked. She grinned and nodded as a man walked over and sat down next to her, kissing her forehead.

    "Zoey, this is Alex. He was training with me when you and Isaac came into the gym." Cyrus said, leaning closer to me so I could hear him.

Alex gave me a toothy grin and slid his cup over to me.

    "Umm what is this?" I said, picking the cup up and looking at him.

    "It's party night, newbie. Drink up," he said, slapping the table before standing up and walking away.

I looked at Cyrus with wide eyes.

He laughed. "He does that to everyone. You don't have to drink if you don't want to. He's really the only one that does."

I laughed and nodded sniffing the contents of the cup. The alcohol burned my nose telling me that whatever this was, it was strong. I hesitantly took a small sip of it but quickly choked and coughed at the strength of it causing Cyrus to laugh.

    "Oh, that's disgusting." I cringed, pushing the cup away from me.

    "Why do you think no one drinks when Alex makes them?" Cyrus laughed.

I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth to say something but was cut off by people shouting and howling. I turned to look at the entrance to the kitchen and saw a group of people walking in with Isaac leading the group.

    "Dinner is served," he said loudly.

This comment was followed by loud shouts and screams from both the group and everyone in the room. His eyes met mine and his smile grew on his face, at the same time the tingly feeling grew in my chest as I smiled back. As he walked over to the table Cyrus stood up and held his arm out to him. Isaac took it roughly and pulled Cyrus into one of those shoulder hugs, giving him a hard slap on his back.


His eyes fell on me again as they separated and Cyrus walked away.

    "I hope I wasn't gone too long," he said as I stood up.

I shook my head. "Not at all. Cyrus was just showing me around more and introducing me to people." I said my eyes glancing over to Alex, who was now standing on one of the tables.

Isaac followed my gaze and laughed. "Yeah, Alex is quite the partier. He's a really good person though...when he's sober."

I giggled and turned back to look at him. He looked exhausted but was clearly trying to hide it so I didn't ask about it. His hair was a mess and his clothes along with parts of his arms and face were covered in dirt.

    "What were you guys doing?" I asked, pulling a blade of grass from his sleeve.

Isaac smiled. "It's Sunday night, it's hunting night." He laughed.

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